It's time for spring planting!!!
What kind of crops are we planting this year?
Scroll down and see...
Crop One: Dandelions
Look closely at the pictures below and you wil see
how the ends of their noses have turned yellow.
Cowboy said, "If I blow them,
more will grow,
so it will be beautiful everywhere!!"
What did you wish for?
Remember, dandelion wishes are just prayers sent to Jesus,
carried up to heaven like the seeds on the wind.
That means, "I love you!" in moose language. Really.
Crop Two: Love
I am thankful for dandelions...
...a weed that becomes
a beautiful gift of love
in the hands of a child.
May all your crops be bountiful this year.

Oh I love fields of wildflowers and dandelions are no exception!! Beautiful pics and I love to see sibling love :)!!
What sweet photos!
Now those are very special, soul nourishing crops you are planting. Just beautiful!
sweet pictures :)
Thanks for sharing this sweet, sweet post on Nature Connections! :)
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