*imagine the tune to Happy Birthday to You playing*
Happy Blogoversary to Me, Happy Blogoversary to Me, Happy Blogoversary to Meeeeeeeeeeeeee, Happy Blogoaversary to ME...and many more!
I can't believe it has only been a year since I started this blog. It feels like a lot longer! LOL. If you are a blogger, do you ever get that feeling with your blog? Like it's a part of your history and you can't remember when it wasn't there?
Anyway, in celebration of my Blogoversary, I am going to give away presents to you! I have a copy of Rebecca St. James' new album, "I Will Praise You" on cd to send to one of my winners. Awesome!
I remember going to a Rebecca St. James concert when I was pregnant with Ladybug and she jumped around the whole time I was standing up and praising Jesus. To this day, we LOVE Rebecca's Worship cd, and have even learned some of the signs to go along with the songs on it. I just received my copy of the new cd in the mail today, and have already listened to it twice! It's another keeper.
I also have a copy of one of my favorite homeschooling books (see my right sidebar to see all of them), Diana Waring's Beyond Survival: A Guide to Abundant Life Homeschooling, to give away to a second winner. Somehow, I wound up with two copies, and I want to bless some lucky person with one of them. You will love it. You can read an excerpt of it HERE.
All you have to do to enter is to leave me a comment to tell me which gift you would like. It's that easy. This is a required entry. If you fail to leave this initial comment, you are not entered. Okay? With this first required entry you MUST specify whether you prefer to receive the book or the cd. And please, make sure I have a clear way to contact you if you win (somewhere you must leave info that will link me to you).
I'd love to go over 100 GFC followers for my Blogoversary, so tell everyone! Oh, and please remind them not to forget to tell me which gift they prefer, in addition to your name in their comment. Thanks.
There are a few more fun ways to gain entries. Do one of each and you will have TWELVE entries...one for each month I have been typing away at this blog! That would make your chances for winning pretty good, eh?
Thank you to all of you for reading and for commenting. Your involvement over this past year has kept me on my toes and raised my spirits often.
(and please, make sure I have a CLEAR way to contact you to notify you, or I will have to chose someone else to win)
- REQUIRED ENTRY: Leave me a comment to tell me which gift you prefer to receive, the Rebecca St. James CD or the Diana Waring book. Don't forget to specify, please!
- Check out Diana Waring's website HERE and sign up for her Highly Irregular Newsletter (you can view a sample of her December Issue by clicking on her right sidebar.) Leave me a message telling me you signed up (be honest!) and I will (honestly!) give you TWO entries.
- Leave me a separate comment to tell me you are a Google Friend Connect Follower (if you are!) and I will give you an entry.
- Leave me another separate comment and tell me you are a Networked Blogs follower, if you are.
- Once you have left a comment at least once, refer a friend (who has never followed me or commented on this giveaway already) to my giveaway, get them to follow me, then have them leave a comment containing YOUR name. I will not only give them their entry for following me (by whichever method they choose), but I will also give you THREE entries for telling them about my blog!
- Go to Facebook and click LIKE for Rebecca St. James HERE. Then leave me a separate comment saying you did this for another entry.
- Go to Rebecca's Listening Party HERE and listen to the first three songs of the album. Leave a comment telling me which one was your favorite and I will give you another entry.
- Last, but not least, mention my giveaway on your blog (with a link, of course), then leave a comment telling me you did it (and please leave me a link to the post) and I will give you TWO more entries. All those entries together makes TWELVE total...wow! You can get even more if you have more friends willing to mention your name. The entries are endless...It's like a fun party game, uh, sort of. ;-)
Thank you.
BTW: If you are visiting from the Ultimate Blog Party, feel free to look around and to follow me...I do try to follow my followers back. Thanks for leaving me a comment letting me know you were here. :)

I'd like to win the book. Happy blogoversary!
I follow you with GFC.
and networked blogs.
Tweeting. How do you get that little block to click to share?
Hi, Heather~
What a great giveaway...I love to win the homeschooling book!
Hi, again....I'm a follower! :> )
I would Love Love Love the Beyond Survival. I've looked at it many times :-)
I signed up for Diana Waring's newsletter
Already following with GFC, I'd do it again if I could :(
Followed on Networked Blogs
Liked Rebecca St James on FB
I blogged about it! http://ourbestdaze.blogspot.com/2011/04/amazing-giveaway.html
I would love to receive a copy of Rebecca St. James's new CD so that I can listen to it while I run.
I signed up for Diana Waring's Highly Irregular Newsletter.
I just started following you with Google Friend Connect.
I'm now a Networked Blogs follower.
I'm entering because Marie at Our Best Daze sent me. :)
I "liked" Rebecca St. James on FB.
Hey, April 15th is my birthday!!!
I would like to win Beyond Survival.
I am a follower on GFC.
I am following on NB, but my pic didn't come up for some reason.
I would like the CD. I have already read the book and it was awesome.
I now follow you on GFC
I would enjoy either prize - my preference is the CD! :) Enter me, please! bubbetta at hotmail
Happy Blogoversary to you!! I would like to read the book. You're almost to 100, yey!
I would love to win the Beyond Survival Book! Thanks for this chance to win!
Happy anniversary!
Mrs. White
I am stopping by from the UBP11 hop. I'd love to win the homeschool book. I am a Christian mother of one PreK girl. We are doing homeschool now and she loves it.
Stop by my blog anytime and say hi. I love having new visitors.
Long Wait For Isabella
I am also now your newest GFC follower. I cannot wait to read more of your blog!
Long Wait For Isabella
I would love either one of these but if I have to choose, I choose the Rebecca St. James CD!
I am already following you using GFC!
I would love to win the CD, I've read the book before and it is great too though!
I'm your newest GFC follower now - you're getting close to 100!
The Rebecca St. James CD would be lovely!
apple 7555 at gmail dot com!
I'm a new follower on GFC. I'm from the blog party! If you have time, I hope you can follow back at:
apple 7555 at gmail dot com
I follow you on Networked Blogs too!
apple 7555 at gmail dot com
We're homeschoolers, too. I just followed you on Networked Blogs. Sure would appreciate a follow back. www.homeschoolingdisneystyle.com
If I win, I would love the book. Thank you so much!
Following on Networked blogs
Happy blogoversary!!
I am so happy to have found your blog. I am stopping in from the Ultimate Blog Party and this is my very first year participating and this is SO VERY exciting!! LOL
Anyhow...please stop by my blogs and follow whenever you get the opportunity:
So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at http://sostylilized.blogspot.com/2011/04/ultimate-blog-party.html
And...Jessica Lil Corner is where I am blogging about family and life at http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com/2011/04/ultimate-blog-party.html
I welcome your visit at either or both of my blogs and hope to have you stop by and follow really soon!!
Have a very blessed day!! :0)
I am your 100th follower. i would like the book because I already own the CD.
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