Monday, May 6, 2013

And the Winner Is....

I am so excited! The winner of the HEAV Convention Family Pass is Heather V.! Congratulations, Heather!! 

Even better (in my books, anyway), is that her winning entry was for doing my "Just do it, you know your kids want you to" option of singing a silly song to your kids while jumping around and she actually admitted that she sang, "Ha-ha-ha-halellujia!" to them. Hahaha! That's great! I am sure your kids loved it, Heather, and I am even more sure you are going to have a fantastic time at the convention. 

I will be contacting her today about getting signed up for her prize, and maybe we will even be able to meet at the convention. Thank you to all of you who supported this giveaway by entering...a whopping 269 entries. That's amazing!

I can tell you all must think a lot of the HEAV Convention, too. It is certainly the best thing I do all year to invigorate and revitalize my homeschooling. Hopefully, I will see some of you there. Look for me and don't be afraid to say "Hi, my name is_____ and I follow your blog." I can't tell you how much it would thrill me to think someone is reading what I post here, besides my faithful mother, sister-in-law, and daughter-in-law...LOL.

Again, congratulations to our our blessed winner, Heather V.. May the convention bless your family in ways you could never even imagine.


1 comment:

Heather said...

Yaay! So glad to have won! Can't believe you embarrassed me, ha-ha! I wasn't going to do the silly entry but, it won me a free pass so it was certainly worth it!!!

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