Monday, April 29, 2013

HEAV Registration is OPEN...Enter My Convention Family Pass Giveaway!

Fun facts about the upcoming Home Educator's Association of Virginia Convention in Richmond:

Preregistration – $69/member; $79/non-members

  • Thursday's sessions are FREE! for new homeschoolers
  • HEAV Members receive a discounted rate (and support home education in Virginia)...Join NOW!
  • parents of preschoolers who have never attended before may register for FREE!
  • the Used Curriculum Sale is BACK! (of course...we couldn't do without it, could we??)
  • young entrepenuers may rent tables in the vendor hall for $35...nice!
  • experience the largest Exhibit Hall EVER...
  • there are more than 140 workshops (how will you ever choose?)
  • LEGO is coming with hands-on tables for all your architects and builders
  • the Marine Science Consortium is bringing touch tanks for your biologists
  • the Robotics Expo will be there to excite your inventors
  • the Instrument Petting Zoo will be returning to intrigue you
  • there will be hands-on science demonstrations in the Exhibit Hall
  • the BIGGER than ever before chess tournament will challenge and amaze you
  • Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar will be doing a Keynote session (twice, so more folks can attend!)
  • the Duggars will be doing a book signing
  • Michelle and her daughters will be doing a talk with Q and A on Friday
  • Cedric Saunders will do reenactments of George Washington Carver and Booker T. Washington
  • Joel Salatin will be conducting four talks this year
  • Miracle Mountain Ranch will be conducting a teen discipleship camp
  • the Children's Program is called Heroes of the Faith
  • there will be a cartooning camp for your budding artists
  • there will be talks for your emerging entrepenuers and filmmakers
  • scholarships are available if you have sincere and severe financial hardship
  • you can register just to SHOP for a lot less (and then buy the MP3 set)
  • and so much more...

You can also enter my giveaway for one free family registration pass to the 2013 HEAV Convention. 

This pass covers mom, dad, kids, and even grandparents! Optional children's and teen programs are not included. 

My giveaway runs from April 29th to midnight on May 5th. 

Click below to enter...the Rafflecopter giveaway.

The blessed winner will be announced Monday, May 6th, 2013.

I hope to see you at the convention!


Mary Soliday said...

Would love to win the tickets.

Amy said...

Excited for our 2nd year at the convention!

Unknown said...

I am looking forward to the duggars at convention this year.

Unknown said...

The thing that I am going to enjoy the most is the Duggars.

Kristy Jensen said...

The Duggars and the curriculum sale!!

The Westphals said...

I would love to attend for free - thanks for the chance to win!

The Westphals said...

I would love to attend for free - thank you for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

This would be a blessing to win.

Jesmicwilmom said...

Though the workshops are always inspiring, I LOVE perusing the exhibit hall vendors. :)

C.R. said...

I love seeing so many like minded people in one place!

Mel A. said...

This would be awesome to win!! Thanks for the opportunity!

Sherri said...

Honestly, I'm such a dork... I'm looking forward to the Duggars. My kids love to watch them.

Amy said...

Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

This giveaway would be such a blessing! Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Just saw the question I'm supposed to answer! :) I'm mostly looking forward to finding some help (hopefully!) for my daughter who is struggling with reading.

Heather K said...

I am looking forward to new inspiration to begin high school studies with our oldest at summer's end. Of course, I also can't wait to shop the UCS!!

cbarnett said...

I would like to hear what the Duggars say about homeschooling.

cbarnett said...

I would like to hear what the Duggars have to say about homeschooling.

cbarnett said...

I would like to hear what the Duggars say about homeschooling.

Paula said...

Thank you for all of the information. What a great giveaway!! :)

Paula said...

I just reread the information. Joel Salatin?! That is amazing. He is definitely my food and farm hero.

TrueConvert said...

The last time I went to the convention was about 3 years ago, I believe. The diversity of the families represented really opened my wife and I's eyes to the beauty of homeschooling, and put to rest some commonly held conceptions also. I would LOVE to be able to get back this year and explore, learn and experience what the convention is like post-homeschooling, since the last time we were very new. We were more like deer in headlights than anything lol. Hopefully we can win this family pack and go with an entirely new perspective and a broader focus!

TrueConvert said...

We went to the HEAV conference right before we started homeschooling a few years back. We were like deer in headlights at the time, with so much to see and absorb. What we did love was the diversity of families represented by the speakers/attendees. That was really encouraging and also dispelled many of the long-standing preconceptions about the homeschool community.
Now having homeschooled ourselves for several years, we'd LOVE the opportunity to return with a new perspective, really knowing what gaps we have and seeking to fill those gaps in a focused way. We believe the conference will be so much more beneficial now that we have direction and knowledge of our kids' learning styles. Would LOVE to win the family pack to make that happen :)

Unknown said...

YAY! I can't wait for convention..I am triple excited!!!

Cristina said...

I'd love to win this giveaway :-)

Unknown said...

We are so excited for the convention this year!!!

Kristina said...

this would be awesome to win- thanks for the opportunity

Michelle D said...

This would be amazing! Thanks for the chance:-)

Valerie Daigle said...

This is my first time visiting your blog (a friend told me about it). Anyway, I am excited to be here because I am always looking for some homeschooling ideas. And thanks for a great giveaway!

Ashley Spence said...

This is such a great thing you are doing for the heavy giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win a chance to attend the HEAV Convention. Not something we could ever afford.

Heather said...

Hi! Thanks for the chance to win! Quick question- does this pass include the Duggars keynote? thanks....

Ashley Spence said...

I think this giveaway is an amazing gift that you are giving!

Renea said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win the pass. it would be a huge financial blessing for us.

Renea said...

This would be a huge financial blessing to our family. Thanks for the opportunity.

Ashley said...

The duggers!!

The Tylers said...

Would love to win this!!

Unknown said...

I would love to win this it is so amazing! My kids have never attented.

Unknown said...

I would love to win this! My kids have never attended!

Anonymous said...

This would be amazing to win! :D

Sherri said...

I would love to win. Thank you for posting this contest!

Isabel said...

It would be great to win this. Have never attended and would love to!

Isabel said...

It would be great to win this. Have never attended and would love to!

Megan said...

This would be awesome, I've never been able to attend

Grace Hoosier said...

This is our first year attending and I would love to win!

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