Happy Homemaker Monday at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom
The Weather: We are expecting weather in the 70s all week, with perhaps a trip to 80* over the weekend. We may have some showers tonight, but mostly the weather is clear. The Amigos stayed outside for over 7 hours today playing...the did a scavenger hunt, played in the trees, and had a hike pretending they were lost waifs in the woods who needed to find food (they eventually shot a deer--PBJ sandwiches---and "found an apple tree"). What fun!
On My Reading Pile: I will admit it. This week I have been reading a collection of four Christian romance stories by Lauraine Snelling called Dakota. The ladies in it are from Denmark (we are Danish on my father's side) and it is neat to learn about some of the customs. I have also been reading The Essential 55 by Ron Clark (I watched the movie about him on YouTube last week and it was excellent!) and Your Child's Strengths by Jenifer Fox.
Our Read Aloud: A Tree in Sprocket's Pocket by Paulette Nehemias. Environmental awareness from a Christian perspective. We found her other book, Wiggler's Worms, years ago and the boys loved it. I came across this one for just a quarter at the library and it is already a winner. What a find!
On My TV: Not a whole bunch. We watched The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (narrated by Pierce Brosnan) tonight and it was fascinating. We've been listening to A Peep Behind the Scenes by Lamplighter Ministries (available for free right now at Oneplace.com) during breakfast, and the first book in the Mistmantle Chronicles when in the car (another amazing find at the library for $1). I will probably watch a few NUMB3RS episodes while folding laundry before our trip this weekend. Folding laundry is so much less boring when accompanied by an entertaining show. ;-)

Menu Plan Monday at organizingjunkie
Our Menu Plan:
Monday: Pizza and a movie night early since Mommy and Daddy will be gone this weekend (at the Teach Them Diligently Conference in SC).
Tuesday: French Dip sandwiches (made by covering a London Broil in the crockpot with 4-6 cups of water, adding 4 beef bouillon cubes, and cooking for 6 hours, then shredding with forks, and serving on hoagies with melted swiss cheese...easy and delicious), pasta salad, nacho chips.
Wednesday: Leftover Buffet to clean out the fridge before we go, OR eat at church (pork chop night) before Awana.
Thursday-Saturday: We will be traveling. The kids will be staying with Nanny and Poppy. I am sure they will be appropriately spoiled. I am glad.
Sunday: Probably the Stouffers I keep in my fridge for emergencies. We can add a quick salad and have a nice meal with little effort. It is worth it to pick up a few of their family-sized ones on sale from time to time.

Goal Planning at mamamanuscripts.com
Goals for the Week:
- Work on cleaning our front porch while the weather is good in preparation for the wonderful spring months when we get the most use out of it...it's an enclosed porch and tends to collect junk over the winter when nobody wants to trek to the garage.
- Install baby gates on both sets of stairs for the deck to keep the chickens off of it (can't stand stepping in chicken poo).
- Several blog posts---another giveaway to be posted Tuesday (the other movie giveaway ends the 15th), a review of The Art of Argument, and a review of Progeny Press. Also, the blog cruise topic is favorite science resource and my favorite resource is my other site's Science Freebies page with over 100 free and educational science resources!!
- Finishing all the laundry and getting it put away, so I can pack. Pack.
- Church Wednesday. Clean the car on the way.
- Plant some more daffodils. They grow wild in the woods and we are going to go on a hike to get some more. Tex wants to do this for me. So sweet.
- We are going to the Teach Them Diligently Conference in SC on Thursday. I can't wait to hear Ken Ham, Voddie Baucham, and Doug Phillips. Hubby is looking forward to hearing Stephen Kendrick speak at the Men's Breakfast. I am hoping to meet a former Crewbie for lunch or breakfast one day.
Homeschooling Goals for the Week: Character training. Practice Awana verses. Let the kids play outside a lot. Creative play is very educational. More nature studies and art during the warm weather. Reading aloud. Tex wants to get his work done by Wednesday night so he can have an extended weekend off. I hope he manages it.
What I am Sewing: This should be what I am supposed to be sewing...my yo-yo quilt top. Um, nope. I plan to take it with me to the conference, though, so I will have something to keep my hands busy when there are no kids to keep me busy!
Looking Around the House and Yard: It has been gorgeous outside today. The house is pretty clean and organized (as long as you don't look in my closet or at my laundry. I am feeling like we are "getting there." The kids are happy. That's the best part.
On My Prayer List (and a picture to share): My SIL has been having some worries about her pregnancy (8 weeks along...I got to go see the baby last Thursday!), so please pray for her and the baby.
Have a blessed week, friends.
1 comment:
I hope you had a wonderful week. Thanks for linking up on Goal Planning Monday!
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