
My Homeschool Product Reviews

Here are links to each of the product reviews I have done so far:

(You can also click HERE to see each of these reviews in their entirety on "one" page.)

A Change of Plans is a great family-friendly movie sponsored by WalMart and P&G products for Family Movie Night. We really liked this one. It is the story of a self-absorbed career couple whose two-income-no-kids plans change drastically when they become the guardians of the wife's best-friend's four orphaned children. Clean and teaches a valuable lesson.

A Walk in My Shoes was another family-friendly movie sponsored by P&G for Family Movie Night. It was about a self-absorbed teacher who has to spend a day living the difficult life of a student's single mother.

ALEKS--A Math Solution is a review of the excellent individualized, online math tutoring program called ALEKS, which stands for Assessment and LEarning in Knoweldge Spaces. ALEKS offers regular updates and customization options for the homeschool teacher. Of all of the math programs we have tried this year, this one rates as Tex's top pick.

America's Math Teacher is an online math tutoring program for Basic Math, Advanced Math, Pre-Algebra, and Algebra (approximately grades 4-9). This program is a combination of online multimedia lessons, printable exercises, computer-scored quizzes and exams, and a computer-generated facts drill exercise.

Artistic Pursuits is a wonderful art curriculum that integrates many styles and periods of artistic expression for a variety of levels. These comprehensive and interesting books are worth every penny of your investment, so don't miss this review!

Beavers: The Biggest Dam Movie You Ever Saw is an informative and fun IMAX movie your family will love. This movie was a hoot for all ages, and was available as a Netflix instant download at the time I wrote the review.

Big IQ Kids is a FREE and subscription-based online math, spelling, vocabulary, and geography site. My Three Amigos think their spelling lessons ROCK!

Circle C Beginnings: The Adventures of Andi and Taffy is a sweet and interesting series of books about the old west (late 1800's) targeted towards 6-8 year olds, though my Three Amigos, ages 3-7 ALL enjoyed the book we reviewed (Andi's Indian Summer) immensely. I highly recommend these books as read alouds. The author also offers an abundance of absolutely free resource pages for each book (coloring pages, activities, puzzles), so if you want to make the book part of a unit study, most of the work is done for you! 

Classical Academic Press is a Classic introduces you to the potential for loads of fun and learning while taking...Latin?! Yes, really, this video/workbook based curriculum will give you the confidence you need to teach Latin. I reviewed the course Latin Alive! Book 1.

Corps of Rediscovery has many excellent and affordable historical craft kits. Our kids LOVED the tomahawk kit. The had a lot of fun assembling it, and it was a great learning experience.

Days on the Farm With Annette and Samuel is a charming collection of stories to read aloud to your children. I tell more about our experiences with it on this Read-Aloud Thursday reveiw.

Dragons of the Valley is a review of Donita K. Paul's newest Christian fantasy book about...what else...dragons! Her dragon books are a good read for any fantasy lovers, and safe for families, sharing the timeless message of God's love through allegory and imagery.

Foundlings by Matthew Christian Harding is the first book in a Christian adventure series that takes place in the time of Peleg, following the destruction of the Tower of Babel. Featuring brave warriors, real dragons/dinosaurs, and evildoers, this scripture based story will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Go Go Kabongo is an online game for ages 4-7 that teaches critical thinking skills and attention to detail. Check out the review from the Three Amigos...they loved it!

Help, Lord, I'm Getting Ready to Start Homeschooling My High Schooler! is an e-book published by TOS Magazine about many families' journeys through homeschooling during the High School years.

Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek! is a comprehensive, inexpensive option for teaching classical languages for those who pursue the classical homeschooling method.

I Will Praise You is a praise cd from Rebecca St. James that the whole family really enjoyed. If you like Rebecca's previous albums, you will love this one, too.

Kinderbach is an online or dvd music learning program for young children which focuses on teaching piano, but integrates many other aspects of music such as rhythm, timing, pitch, reading music, and more.

LanSchool Technology is a downloadable computer program that helps parents (and other educators) monitor student computer activities, coordinate lessons among multiple computers, and assist students remotely from a teacher computer terminal.

Master Innovation's Clock is a sturdy learning tool that comes with a workbook to be used for teaching your young children to tell time.

Math Facts Now! is a simple, yet effective, downloadable practice drill program for your kids' basic math facts (+,-,x,/) at a very affordable price.

Middle Grades Schoolhouse Planner is a downloadable, customizable, comprehensive 278 page student planner.

Molly's Money-Saving Digest---
January 2010
  is a monthly e-newsletter/e-book published by TOS Magazine, with the month of January focusing on organization tips.

MonkiSee is a dvd program that geared towards pre-readers that showcases specially selected words to teach your child to recognize them at an early age. The program uses puppets and catchy tunes to help cement the words in your young child's memory.

More Starfall is the new subscription-based addition to the beloved Starfall site featuring math, songs, and more great educational activities to help your child learn to read.

Most is a moving, award-winning movie which tells the story of a father who must make a heart-wrenching and sacrificial decision to save the lives of many.

Nutrition 101: Choose Life is a 448 page, six unit, three-in-one, family nutrition and health program for all ages. It presents the major body systems, how they function, their common health issues, the benefits of good food, and the consequences of bad food alongside simple activities and many recipes your family can do together.

Picture This--is a review about the Holman Illistrated Bible Dictionary, which is a fact-filled, colorful, hard-bound children's version of a Bible Dictionary.

Read for the Heart by Sarah Clarkson is one of my favorite review items this year. I really appreciated her heartfelt reviews and well-considered recommendations of books for me to read to my children or to have them read alone. There are so many books out there, even though I prefer to pre-read everything I give to my kids, sometimes I just don't have the time. With her many solid suggestions, I now have a safe and enriching pool of quality literature to draw from.

Roamin' Through Roman Town tells of our adventures testing the historic learning software program called Roman Town.

Science Weekly is a bi-weekly publication which focuses on science and critical thinking skills that is designed to look like a newspaper. It is available at multiple levels and has themed activities.

Secure Daughters, Confident Sons by Glen Stanton is an excellent book on how to guide your children into authentic manhood or womanhood. If you've ever been concerned about how androgynous the world is getting, this book will help restore your vision for God's plan for girls and boys, without being pushy.

Ten Marks is an online learning math tutoring program. This math program is unique because it's design is not based on endless practice and drill problems, but on a limited number of targeted, individually tailored questions daily.

Time4Writing  is an online program for teaching writing to your students using a combination of audio lessons, computer-scored exercises and quizzes, and teacher-graded writing assignments. Here is my Time4Writing Update from after we completed the program. Tex wound up really liking it a lot and doing very well with it.

Tiny Planets for Tiny People tells about the Three Amigos' adventures playing Tiny Planets, an online, space-themed community for children ages 4 and up. A universe of fun is just a click away...

Travel Kits: A Simple Way to Bless Others is an e-book published by TOS Magazine about building surprising and fun travel "survival" packages for kids in your family or your friends' families.

Travel the World!  is an e-book supplemental module published by TOS Magazine focusing on teaching  World Geography.

Virtual Nerd is an on-demand, online math and science tutoring program. Using a virtual whiteboard and very specific verbal instructions, the teachers at Virtual Nerd will eplain anything from balancing equations to stochiometry.

Vocab Ahead is a dvd which is downloadable to your iphone or other mp3 player that can help you study for the SATs or other standardized tests with vocabulary sections.

Wit and Wagers Family Edition tells about the fun we had trying out an entertaining and family-friendly game called Wit and Wagers. It is now a family favorite.

Wondermaps is a customizable collection of 350 world, historical, Biblical, and US maps that makes it easy to integrate map studies into a variety of levels of homeschooling. The program is available as a download or a download plus cd-rom.

Write Foundation is a year-long, teacher-intensive writing curriculum designed to build a good foundation for student writing, from forming well-structured sentences to writing organized essays.

Zeezok Movie Guides 
are a useful resource for the family who likes to watch movies as part of their curriculum. Each guide of a family-friendly movie provides background information, questions, and in-depth activities that develop the movies themes further.