
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Santa is REAL...Here's How I Know

Santa IS real. And "he" works for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Review Crew. I know this because this is what is on its way to our house right now.

Does that look cool, or what? We are so blessed to have been picked for this review. I know my Three, no, make that Four, no, make that Five (for this one we will definitely be including Tex...he will love helping build it) Amigos are going to be so EXCITED!!!!! I wish I knew how to do something nifty and make the word "excited" jump around on the page to convey how happy and grateful they are going to be, but all I can manage is to make the letters different colors...sorry. But you get the idea, right?

Toydle is a company that was started by an American dad who was convinced that toys could and should be better made than the ones he was finding at the stores. He knew he could do better, so he did! Not only did he come up with a sturdy and FUN toy, it is made in America, so by buying from Toydle, you are supporting American workers. I like that! You can read more about his story HERE. Not only will you get a quality product that supports our own economy, but you will get an unconditional warranty on all parts for any reason (it says they will replace parts even if your kid "tries to do pull ups with a tube." WOW. You can read about that impressive warranty HERE.

All Toydle forts are constructed with 3" handmade wooden blocks, high quality 1/2" PVC tubes 29" long, and include a sturdy storage bag and clips to hold a sheet over your unique structure. This is definitely a toy that will stir your child's imagination.

Watch this video on how to assemble a Toydle fort and see what you think. I think you will want to go to their website and order one for your family for Christmas!

There are two sizes of Toydle forts. One is over 45 square feet and the other is double that size. The smaller fort retails for $149, while the larger one is only $229, even though it is double the size. If I was going to buy one, you can guess which one I'd go for...

BUT WAIT!!! If you head on over to the TOS Homeschool Crew blog NOW, you can enter to win one of THREE Toydle forts. Really!!! Then you too will know that Santa is for real, just like I do. I hope you win!

Please note: This contest is open to residents of the US ONLY. TOS Staff and TOS Crew Members (and their families) are not eligible to enter this contest.

PSSSSST!!! Hey!! By the way, don't tell my kids about the Toydle fort coming in the mail if you see them...the little ones don't know and they are going to be in for a wonderful surprise on Christmas day. They all agreed (and are genuinely happy with the decision, since they keep talking about it) that instead of doing the usual Christmas gifts this year (they are each still getting one small one), we should use the money to help build a fence around part of the back yard to keep Boo safe. Isn't that awesome? They are going to be so surprised. ;-)

Thank you, Santa. You are the best.




  1. Eeek, I won one. I am very excited and hope it arrives before Christmas because I know my 4 children will enjoy playing with this. I can see blankets being tossed over it and it becoming there house. Thanks for posting about the giveaway!!!


  2. Wow!! That is so awesome! I am very excited and happy for you. Ours is in the box behind our bed waiting for Christmas, but I am having a hard time looks like so much fun.

    I hope you have a wonderful time with your new toy. Christmas is so much fun with kids never have to grow up! ;-)




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