
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sermon Sunday---Why There Must Be Christmas

Many pastors these days do not preach about the Christmas story in December anymore. It is nice to see Dr. David Jeremiah preaching about the beginnings of and the need for the amazing story of Jesus  in his sermon Why There Must Be Christmas.

You can access this sermon for only a short time (I think about a month), but there are others in the series to follow. Tex will be watching these for the rest of the month once a week for his Bible study time.

I noticed that on the site there is a daily online advent calendar you might get a smile from. Each day's feature is available only for that day, so if you like it, you will want to bookmark it and go back each day.

Hubby would also like to recommend the previous series preached by Dr. Jeremiah about the breakdown of our culture. You can no longer access the majority of the sermons, but you can purchase them along with Dr. Jeremiah's book I Never Thought I'd See the Day, which talks about how easy it is today for us to become just like the world instead of living in it, but not being of it. This study set would be an excellent series for your Hubby to listen to on his way to work. Mine absolutely raved about the series (he watched them all online as they came out, but I am sure he's hoping someone will put the set under our Christmas tree).

Here's a quote from the last sermon in the series that I liked (it's from Dr. James Kennedy), "Every Christian, from the day of his salvation, ought to live his life as a 'PS, I love you,' to God." (paraphrased) I like that. This is definitely the season to be thinking about how much we love our Lord and how much we have to thank Him for. I pray you are counting all of your blessings this season and loving your Creator for all of His amazing and wonderful gifts.

Have a blessed Christmas season.


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