
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Teaching With God's Heart for the World

Here's a fantastic freebie you might want to check out.
Teaching with God's Heart for the World, a one-year unit study curriculum, especially designed for homeschoolers, "incorporat(es) God's heart for world missions into nearly every subject!"

I recently discovered that this incredible curriculum, which I used successfully with a co-op years ago, is now available in its entirety online. Consider looking it up and incorporating some of the lessons, which include missionary highlights, history and geography lessons, crafts, Bible studies, writing exercises and more into whatever curriculum you are using now. OR plan ahead for a fascinating study of world cultures next year.

Written for elementary students, this excellent curriculum can be adapted for use with older students, as well as used with the entire family. Give it a look and see what you think...after all, it's FREE!!!!



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