
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Gratitude Challenge--Schoolroom-Bedroom Update on a Budget

Back then, the kids all slept in toddler beds,
(except Boo, who was in a crib), 
and we had more toys in the room.

in the "boys' room," but often winds up pulling out the 
extra toddler bed mattress from underneath the bunk beds,
and camping out up here.

Since we don't have a dedicated school room, we use 
the "girls' room" as our school area, when we are 
not working together at the kitchen table.

Over the course of the last week, we made a few changes and 
additions to the decor and organization of the area.

I am so grateful for the dollar store and thrift stores.
They make it possible to spiff things up, even when 
you are on a budget. This table was bought at the DAV,
the chairs from an antique mall, and the white 
"Filing Cabinet" (drawers) are part of a baby bed 
we bought a while back from the thrift store.

The "explorer supplies" (binoculars, net, bag, lantern)
are hung on a peg board I had from ages ago, painted white.

Many of the stickers and supplies are from the dollar store. 
That cool calculator/cash register was a bargain from
the homeschooling convention used curriculum sale!

While the bigger kids work at the larger table, Boo
uses Firefly's Tinkerbell Table (a gift from last Christmas)
to put Cheerios on a fun board book 
we got at a yard sale years ago.

Nanny got the butterfly pegs from Khol's a long time ago,
and it is for the girls to hang their purses on.
There are more hooks on the back of their door
for their favorite hats and dress up costumes.

Boo is ready to get out of that crib and into a toddler bed,
but Mommy is not. I still use it for "time out" and he
respects the limitation...most of the time.

The light above the table was mine as a child.
My mom generously allowed me to bring it over
to our house. It is probably why I collect milk glass.
It looks a lot like it is made of milk glass and I was
always very fond of it.

The white toy box was a "steal" at our local flea market.
It holds our old Karaoke machine which doesn't
get much use as a singing game these days, but is
ideal for playing episodes of Adventures in Odyssey,
Jonathan Park, and Gilead Lane, as well as Bible verse songs
(stored inside for convenience).

The cross stitch ballet pictures were twelve dollars each
at the antique mall. For all the work, and being framed,
I thought that was a great price. Ladybug got them
for Christmas last year.

We love the shelves Daddy put up for us.
The round containers hold their socks, undies, and pajamas.
They are from the dollar store.
The clear containers are from Walmart and each has
a certain type of toy in it: Doll Clothes, Cars, Tools, etc.

Big sister keeps little brother entertained when she 
is finished with her work. What a sweet girl! 
There's plenty of room for everyone in this room,
even though it is smaller than the "normal"
"expected" bedroom these days by square footage
(it's fairly narrow and the ceilings slope).

You can see that the room is long, but the ceilings slope.
It doesn't bother the kids too much at this point.
I hit my head every once in a while, though. Ouch.

Okay, so the beds still need a little bit of work.
And let's not even get into that awful closet door
that is peeling (helped along by Boo...remember, he
still needs that crib for time out, right?)
Curtains would be a nice touch, too.

We're still working on that!



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