
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wordless Wednesday---Spring Has Sprung!

In our neck of the woods, daffodils pushing through the dirt are the first sign of spring.

Well, daffodils getting uncovered and MY kids getting covered with dirt!

The bicycles come out of the garage...

as does the soccer ball...

and the gardening tools. This poor garden needs help.

 The kids find their favorite "hidey bush" again and make a fort...

Then they pose for a few pictures,

 since spring inevitably encourages me to bring out my camera more often.

I love spring. It holds the promise of new life.

The days are longer,

The nights are warmer,

and the air seems sweeter.

Thank you Lord, for spring.

May it always remind us of the new birth that is available only through You.



Check out other Wordless Wednesday posts HERE.

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