
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Before I Find a Boy I Love...

Before I Find a Boy I Love

Written by Christina Kleiss

Oh Lord, I have a big request
  which I must ask you now.
Before I find a boy I love,
  I pray you show me how.

I know your Word is very clear
  On what a boy should be.
Don't let my feelings mix me up,
  But give me eyes to see.

Keep me from boys who turn my heart
  From You with looks or charm.
Protect me from temptations and
  Those things which bring me harm.

Help me discern all those sweet words
  And actions which are fake.
Guide me to see what's right, what's wrong,
  My love for You is at stake.

Help me consider only boys,
  With lives that would please You.
Whose focus is to serve You well
  And do what You would do.

Lord, help me find a boy that's wise.
  That seeks and does what's right;
So if I choose to follow him,
  We'll both walk in the light.

Show me a boy that knows You well,
  That spends much time with You;
So he can know and do Your will
  And love just like You do.

I know that if I follow You
  And put You first in all,
The boy I find will be Your choice;
  Our purity won't fall.

Prepare me, Lord, to be a girl
  That such a boy will choose;
To grow with him, close to Your heart---
  With You we cannot lose!

We attended a seminar over the weekend and bought a new book I absolutely LOVE. It is called A Closer Look at the Evidence by Richard and Tina Kleiss. This poem is in it and I fell in love with it. If you have daughters, I think you will like it too. Enjoy.



1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful poem. Thanks so much for sharing this. I will definitely share this with my girls.

    Take care.


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