
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Want to Try Time4Learning FREE for 30 Days?

I recently completed a review of Time4Learning. We liked it.

You can read exactly why we liked it HERE.

HERE is a link to their sitemap if you want to explore a bit.

The folks at Time4Learning have offered that the first twenty-five responders to this offer can try theprogram for FREE for thirty days. Yipee! I LOVE free stuff, don't you?

If you, or anyone you know, is interested in also trying Time4Learning for FREE! for thirty days, here are the rules:
  1. You must have an active blog or website.
  2. You must post a review of Time4Learning on your blog or website following your 30 day free trial.
  3. You must go HERE and fill out the form, then do what the form says to do at the bottom of the page.
It is a very simple process. The first 25 readers to sign up, get to enjoy Time4Learning FREE for an entire month (and this applies for multiple students, not just one).

Let me tell you, with the rainy season (early days of spring) coming up, NOW is the time to jump in and do this. I think you (and your kids) will be glad you did. (I can tell you that the art program is really's worth it just for that. Have you wanted to add art as an elective this year, but not had the time or the money? Go sign up for Time4Learning's FREE trial NOW!)

I hope you give this a try. Please leave me a comment if you go ahead and sign up. I'd love to know who else decides to do a review and how you liked it!



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