
Friday, November 12, 2010

Gratitude Challenge---Day Twelve---A Willing Helper

I am sure that if you are married, you have heard of a "honey-do" list. However, sometimes (I know you will understand what I mean), life gets in the way, and that honey-do list seems more like a "honey didn't" list. I am not complaining about my husband here. I know he works hard and has crazy hours (he works for the Navy, supervising work at the Shipyard), but sometimes it seems like there are little things, things that would be sooo easy to do, that just aren't important or necessary enough to get done. That's where OTHER folks can step in and really bless you...or you can step in and bless someone being "WILLING HELP."

A few days ago, my son Tex, was my "willing helper." Together, we got out my toolbox and put up some clothes pegs at the end of the stairs for the kids' coats, and hung up a shelf to put the kids' easy readers on. Between the two of us, we had the whole thing accomplished in just over a half and hour, and the time savings since then (in not searching for or picking up coats and certain books) has been immense. The pleasure I have taken in seeing this project done has been unmeasureable. It's just so nice to know that teamwork is alive and well, and that together we can figure things out. Thanks, Tex. You're a great fix-it partner.

Today my folks came over to help with whatever we needed and my dad spent about two hours working(including a trip to Lowes for parts), and at the end of that time he had two things done that I have wanted done since we lived in Florida! He reinforced one of my free-standing cabinets and fixed the latch on it, and he also added magnetic latches to the doors on another cabinet of mine, so Boo will no longer be tempted to open them and take out the contents. Just today, Boo headed over to that cabinet and pulled on the door. It resisted, and he stopped, surprised. I said, "No," and he walked over to his toys on the other side of the room instead, and never went over there again all day. Hooray! Thanks, Dad. I really appreciate what you did. It is awesome!

My mom is a wonderful motivator. She sees what I see that needs to be organized, but whenever she is here, instead of feeling overwhelmed, I feel if it IS possible to finish the job in a day. Tex says the two of us working together are a force to be reckoned with, and that we should hire ourselves out as professional organizers. You would think that with such a glowing recommendation, that my house would be perfectly-organized and spotless. Well, it my head. In reality, though my bookshelves are mostly organized by subject and labeled, there are those that keep falling down or getting unloaded by the kids and just look awful. I am also trying to learn to live in a substantially smaller space than our last house (1000 sq. ft. smaller), and finding that getting rid of stuff is a slower process in reality than it is on shows like "Clean Sweep" where they clean out and organize two  rooms in two days. Yeah right.

Well, between the two of us, we did manage to clear off my overcrowded kitchen shelves and transform my kitchen from dull to dynamic. Okay, so it's not really THAT much different, but it FEELS different and I am more inclined to bake in an uncluttered space. The kids will appreciate my renewed interest in baking, for sure. Cookies, anyone? Bread? Biscuits? Muffins? I'm raring to go! We did, after all, recycle or donate five bags of stuff, and throw away two huge garbage sacks full. Pretty good, huh? I feel ten pounds lighter.

My wonderful mom also folded umpteen loads of laundry for me. I don't mind doing the wash, but I dislike folding it, for some strange reason. She, on the other hand, likes folding and finds it relaxing. Can you imagine? Lastly, we cleaned behind the couches in the family room, and she helped me put away toys and books the kids had gotten out and forgotten to put away. So nice! Thanks, mom. Everything looks great. I will do my best to keep it that way. Promise!

So, I say, "Thank you!" to all the willing helpers in my life, from our pastor, to our friends, from my parents, to my kids...may God bless you through your service and may He bless you with willing helpers when you need them. To the rest of us, I hope we will please tell someone today how grateful we are that they are a "willing helper." I am sure they will appreciate the praise, and be encouraged to help someone else who needs them in the future. May we all pass it on...



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