
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Gratitude Challenge---Day Eleven---Good Friends

Today I am grateful for good friends, like my mom and my friend, Lady L. My mother will ALWAYS be my best friend, but since moving here, I have been blessed by God to become friends with several wonderful Christian women, among them, Lady L.

Lady L. is a Christian mother of five, she homeschools, and her husband works two jobs, so he is often gone. That means that the two of us have a lot in common. Aside from that, she likes to cook and sew, she is very sweet, a lot of fun to talk to, and has an extremely generous heart. Lady L. has one daughter, Miss S., who is very close in age to Ladybug, so the two of them are fast friends, too. I called her up last week and asked if they'd like to meet us for tea at the Tea Shoppe in the antique mall in a nearby town for some girly time to celebrate Ladybug's 7th birthday. Happily, she agreed, and we had a marvelous luncheon, delicious dessert, many pots of tea, and then spent several hours walking the aisles looking for treasures, while the girls chatted up a storm (and so did we).

Friends are an awesome blessing from God. Not only does "iron sharpen iron," but friends are also an expression of God's love for us in that I believe He sends us friends at the right time to meet our needs, whatever they may be.

Here are some pictures of our lovely afternoon. Next time, you will have to come along. The food is simply divine...and the company was fantastic. Here's what we ate: Grilled ham and three cheese sandwiches with onions and tomatoes, topped with pineapple and mandarin orange chutney, served with a bed of lettuce, raspberry vinaigrette, and frozen grapes. We tried four different teas: Darjeeling (loved it), Romance tea (loved it), Scottish Breakfast tea (too heavy for me), and Raspberry and Vanilla tea (too light for me). Dessert was a half and half deal of lemon pound cake topped with lemon curd and whipped cream and warm chocolate ganache cake topped with raspberry ice cream and whipped cream. Yum! All delicious, and I think the company was even better than the food. The little girls each had a doll dressed for tea, and they literally drank POTS of tea. They so loved it. I can't wait to go back again. I hope we can make it a tradition to go every six months or so.

We love our local tea room. The proprietor is such a sweet lady, and the decor is so quaint and interesting.
Every table has a unique teapot with a coordinating set of pretty teacups.

Two pretty young ladies, and with such good manners, too!

Ladybug, with my childhood doll, Rosie, and Miss S., with Ladybug's new doll, Jenny.
Me and Lady L....two sets of friends.

 The conclusion of the  first of (hopefully) many outings to the tea room for the girls.

 Mom and daughter photos to remember the day by.

I hope you will tell your friends how much you appreciate them today. Thanks for being MY friend, Lady L.. You're awesome!

Blessings to you,


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