
Saturday, November 13, 2010

2010 Gratitude Challenge---Day Thirteen---My Husband

 The kids comb the sandy beach, looking for shark teeth and shells.

 Going farther afield and finding some whale bone.

Never pass up a photo opportunity! 

If you can't find any fossils, at least you can have fun climbing all this neat stuff!

Total Take:
2 shark teeth
Five large pieces of old whale bone
more than a dozen really cool large shells
a few smooth, white rocks
something porous and black that floats...not sure what it is
a neat stick

Today I am thankful that I have a husband who is flexible enough to take the kids on a fun field trip at a moment's notice. One of our friends, the same one who told us about Yorktown Day, called and invited Hubby and the kids to accompany him and his two boys on a fossil hunting trip to their favorite local spot this morning. Many husbands would have said they had other stuff to do, or mabye even grudgingly gone along with it, but mine went with childlike enthusiasm and enjoyed every minute. I think it is because when he gets home from work, all of his grown-up is used up, so he fits in with the kids quite nicely, relaxing by being silly and playing around. This is not ALWAYS convenient, but it does work well when it comes to having someone around who is willing to entertain the kids, and love on them unconditionally.

The fact that Hubby was good with kids was one of the things that appealed to me when I first met him. Thankfully, that characteristic has not changed. He loves our kids and treasures every moment he spends with them. They can tell this is true, and they adore him back. Sometimes, he will stay up late telling them silly stories about ridiculous characters who go on unimaginable quests. I keep telling him he needs to write them down and sell them as a book. The kids sure laugh non-stop whenever he obliges them with a story, and they always badger him for more.

He also doesn't mind dragging them along whenever he goes about doing things at home. Also, each time he leaves the house, he takes one kid, and he usually finds some sort of treat to give them while they are out. From a pack of gum to a dollar ice cream cone, whatever it is becomes extra-special because it was received during "Daddy time." Kids need their dads, and mine may not have him around all the time the way we'd like, but when he is around they always get a double-dose. Thanks, honey, for being a good father to our kids.

Take time to thank the special people in your life today. Imagine how life would be without them for a moment, and tell them what they mean to you. It will mean a lot to them.




  1. I'm glad you had fun beach combing. Your husband sounds fun, loving, and thoughtful. How wonderful! My boys love their time with their father.

  2. This is a wonderful post. I agree wholeheartedly that kids need their Dads.

    Thanks for joining me at my site. I'm so glad you did beacause I just looked over your site and it is wonderful! There's a lot of information here that I'm sure will be a blessing to me. My family and I will be homeschooling ("officially" for the 1st time next school year) and I have a LOT of questions. It looks like I'll be able to find a LOT of answers here.

    Thanks again,
    God bless you!


Your comments are a blessing to me. Thank you. I hope you visit again soon!