
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What's New in July? You decide!

This is the view off of my deck. It's very peaceful in the country.

Those of you who know me personally, or through Facebook, may realize that I took June off from blogging because I was so burned out by my graduate classes in April and May. I couldn't even think in full sentences after writing nearly one hundred pages of essay answers per class (I took two to renew my teaching certificate). By the way, my hard work paid off and I received "As" in both classes. Yay!!

In any case, I am back, and have been busy making lists of what I want to do posts on this month. So far, I have kept busy catching up on old happenings and sharing photos that I want my far away friends and family to see. That's great for my family, but leaves a gap for anyone who doesn't know us. I can personally look at photos of my adorable kids all day, but most of you would probably prefer to look at photos of your own family!

However, I was thinking that since several folks locally have contacted me in the last month to find out information about how to homeschool, that perhaps I should throw in some posts on basic homeschooling ideas and tips. This is where you all come in. If you have time to leave a comment, please do, and share with me some topic ideas on which I might focus. You don't even have to have a need to know the just need to know that it is needed! I have been homeschooling for twelve years now, following three years as a public school teacher, and I am just full of information, but I do need help with cutting it all down into smaller, readable bites.

So, I am looking forward to hearing from you...I do appreciate your help and I am excited about seeing what you all come up with.


1 comment:

  1. I had a neighbor ask for info recently. I tried to keep it simple by thinking of the essentials that I wish I had known when I started out. It's such a personal topic when you think about it. Each family and situation needs their own plan.


Your comments are a blessing to me. Thank you. I hope you visit again soon!