
Monday, July 11, 2011

Menu Plan Monday--July 11-July 17

Join Laura at Organizing Junkie for more menu plans and recipes!

Monday: 7-11's (a convenience store) birthday bash means a free Slurpee for all and a death dog (a hot dog with all the fixins' I dare?) for everyone...well, maybe we just use ketsup for the kids. They have VBS all week and are raring to go! I just love summer.

Tuesday: We are rolling in tomatoes, so I am going to make our BLT Wrap Ups for everyone to enjoy before VBS, served with macaroni salad and sweet tea.

Wednesday: It's still supposed to be hot (though the forecast calls for a ten degree drop today...from 97* to 87*...whew!), so cold meals are preferred. Today we will have cold tuna salad with apples, grapes, and walnuts served with Townhouse crackers (they are my favorite) and cheddar slices.

Thursday: We are also rolling in eggs, thanks to the chickens who decided to stop being broody (we got rid of the ones that never hatched and now have plenty of fresh ones.) Therefore, I will make egg salad sandwiches for all, served with grapes and chips right before we head off to the kids' last day of VBS.

Friday: It's pizza and a movie night! Have you tried that new pizza from Pizza Hut with all the cheese-filled dippers around the edge? It's looks a bit strange, but it tastes great and is just the right size for us if at least one of the big guys isn't here. I think Tex will be visiting my folks and his big brother (playing lots of video games, no doubt), so those who remain at home will watch a movie with the kids and relax with a delicious cheesy-dipper pizza and some popsicles for dessert.

Saturday: Hubby cooked up a bunch of ground beef that I got on sale for the freezer last weekend, so I will make his favorite Tater Tot Casserole for him tonight and serve it with fresh corn on the cob. Maybe he will start a fire in the fire pit so we can finally make those s'mores that got rained-out on the 4th of July...

Sunday: I will admit that we never got to  the Tuna Casserole that Tex requested last week, so I will make it today for after church. We normally serve it with homemade biscuits and jam and cinnamon applesauce.

We are looking forward to a busy week, but with plenty of time for fun and good food. I hope you all have a fantastic week.


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