
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

And the Winner Is...


Yes, I did literally put the names for the MOST giveaway in a hat (a cowboy hat, to be precise) and I let Firefly do the honors of drawing a name. The name she drew was Penny's, so Penny, I will be contacting you soon (unless you see this post and contact me first;-).

Congratulations on winning the MOST movie. Once I get your information, I will pass it on to the appropriate place and get that movie in the mail to you ASAP. In the meantime, check out some of the resources hubby mentioned in his review post HERE and use them to invite a few friends to a showing at your house in a few weeks. You can send them HERE to view the movie trailer while you are waiting for it to arrive.

I hope you enjoy the movie.



1 comment:

  1. When I had read your husband's review, I hadn't seen the movie yet. He gave a great, and accurate review.


Your comments are a blessing to me. Thank you. I hope you visit again soon!