
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Big Girl Bunk Beds

Not too long ago I mentioned that we'd moved Cowboy downstairs to share "big boy" beds and a bedroom with Tex. Tex's twin beds were converted to bunkbeds to make more floorspace available to the boys, and the swticheroo went off without a hitch. Cowboy was a bit nervous at first, to leave his buddies upstairs, but given some cool planet and stars stickers to decorate his wall, and shown the benefits of being a "big boy" in a big boy bed (more room for his stuffed animals and blankets, for one), he acclimated rather quickly and is now quite happy in his new digs.

Soon after, the girls who were left behind started asking when they would get bunk beds for their room. Both Ladybug (age 7) and Firefly (age 3) were still sleeping in toddler beds, which for Ladybug at least, was becoming rather cramped. I started checking out Craigslist regularly, hoping to find a suitable set for Christmas, but it seemed every time I made an offer (or an all out plea) for a set of beds, I missed out...until that day when I saw a listing for a solid set of beds and a matching dresser for only $75!

Believe you me, I laid it all out on the (honest) line...and spared no words begging to be chosen to buy this set. And guess what? The young couple who was selling the beds kindly chose us! I do believe God saved us for these beds. This price was certainly much more within the budget than some of the other sets I bid on. It's a sturdy set, made when manufacturers used all real wood, and thicker pieces at that. 

As you can see in the pictures, the girls are thrilled to have their new beds. Ladybug was a bit nervous at first to be up so high, but the rail all around the top bunk reassured her and she is an old hand at sleeping in it now. I am not sure the cat is thrilled with being drug up there on a regular basis, but when you are an irresistably cute kitty, you learn to put up with a lot in a house full of affectionate kids. Cowboy likes the new beds as much as the girls do, though he eagerly runs to his own bed every night, proud to be a big boy now.

I am proud of all of my "big kids" and I am enjoying watching them reach new milestones, though I am not wanting them to grow up too fast. I am thankful to still have one wee one who sleeps in a crib and wants to snuggle on Mommy's lap at night...but as each child gets older, it is so fascinating to watch them become the people God has made them to be, and such a privilege to be a part of it all.

Blessings to you and your precious ones today,


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