
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sermon Sunday---Parents, Teens, and Reasonable Expectations

Sermon Sunday will be brief this week. Baby Boo, Ladybug, Firefly, and I are all sick with colds or some such coughing and sneezing thing. I am at home with them listening to an online sermon while they watch the Veggie Tales version of Esther on Netflix (there are quite a few Veggie Tales titles on Netflix Instant Play. It is nice.)

In any case, my mom mentioned hearing Joshua Harris speak when listening to the radio this week, so I googled his name and found a large collection of sermons from Sovereign Grace Ministries, and his church, Covenant Life, available for free. The one on Parents, Teens, and Reasonable Expectations intrigued me, so I will share it with you.

If you go to the first link, you can read a brief overview of the series and access the free downloadable MP3s. If you use the second link, it takes you directly to the download page, which includes downloadable notes for the sermons, also free.

Parents, Teens, and Reasonable Expectations link 1
Parents, Teens, and Reasonable Expectations link 2

Please understand that I have not listened to these sermons yet, but I believe the source is one I can trust to give a good teaching on conservative Christian views in relation to family topics (they are a Reformed church, for those of you who would want to be made aware of that). I will be listening to them myself during this week. Please feel free to leave comments, if you join me in listening to these teachings. Thanks!

I hope you and your family members are well.

Blessings for a healthy and happy Sunday,


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