
Monday, September 27, 2010

Menu Plan Monday---Mommy's Sick, Daddy's Cooking

Mommy, Baby Boo, Ladybug, and Firefly are sick, so the boys are going to have to help with the menu this week. Plus, frozen pickings are slim since I lost more than expected in the refrigerator fiasco.

In the interests of simplicity, we will stick to easy family favorites:

Monday: Change of went to the ER for meds and a shot, so Daddy drove through Wendy's and got dollar chicken sandwiches.

Tuesday: Macaroni and cheese wheelies and fresh fruit salad. Brain Power salad, revisited. Delicious!

Wednesday: Chicken Noodle and/or Tomato soup and Grilled Cheese sandwiches. Yogurt parfaits for a dessert treat.

Thursday: Hot dogs, baked beans, and french fries.

Friday: Pizza and a movie night. We loved The Great Fairy Rescue last week. We are hoping the second Tinkerbell movie will arrive from Netflix in time to watch it. My sister-in-law just informed me we may be experiencing a Tropical Depression then, so it will be a good day to stay in and make homemade pizza and get cozy.

Saturday: I bought London Broil on sale last week (buy one pound, get one free at Food Lion), so I will see if hubby wants to make it for dinner. I have corn on the cob and scalloped potatoes or rice pilaf to go with it. We will see what happens.

Sunday: We are going to eat at Olive Garden for my sister-in-law's birthday after church using a gift card we have been saving. I figure leftovers or sandwiches for dinner after that big meal will be sufficient.

I hope you are well and have a blessed week.


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