
Monday, July 5, 2010

Menu Plan Monday---July 4th-11th

Here goes my first attempt at participating in Menu Plan Monday, hosted by I'm an Organizing Junkie. Below I am listing my basics for meals this week at Blessing Farm, though I reserve the right to change things at a moment's notice because things happen!


Monday through Friday center around cereal. Our choices are on the healthier end of the spectrum, and often get topped with or accompanied by fresh fruit. This week, if I can get motivated, I need to make some zucchini bread with all of our monster zucchinis. I will probably be be passing on most of it, but we made Chocolate chip zucchini bread last year that everyone loved, and we will enjoy that on Tuesday. On Friday, I plan to surprise the kids with All Bran Muffins. I had a coupon for it last week, and when made with applesauce and adding bits of diced apple, the kids think they are a dandy way to start the day. Saturday is our day for pancakes, fresh scrambled eggs, and turkey bacon. This week's pancakes will likely have some sort of blackberry topping, as the bushes near Blessing Farm are just about ready to pick. Sunday is (bad, I know) Pop Tart day. The kids look forward to this one day of "junk food," and you just can't beat the convenience when getting ready for church.


Can I admit that lunches are pretty basic around here, too? Four of our kids are under seven, so they are HAPPY with PBJ  (strawberry jam made by me!) or lunch meat and cheese sandwiches most every day. They are also too busy playing to want take lots of time to make something fancy, and so am I. We do occassionally add variety by switching out our bread choices, depending on what is on sale that week at the bread store. This week they had some nifty pita bread and we have a glut of tomatoes, so those items will factor prominently in our offerings. I usually add a piece of fresh fruit or applesauce and some carrot sticks or celery on the side. This week will feature Goldfish also, as they were on sale for a mere one dollar a bag last week (normally $2.19) and I stocked up.


Sunday: I had to include yesterday's menu because the food was all soooooooo good...Prime Rib (and Nathan's all beef hot dogs for the kids), sauteed potatoes and onions with rosemary, brown sugar and bacon baked beans, pasta salad, fresh green salad with LOTS of tomatoes, peppers, and sweet onions, sweet tea, and Yummy and Wonderful S'mores for dessert!

Monday: fresh green salad topped with grilled chicken strips, grilled zucchini and squash on the side

Tuesday: BLT wrap ups (adapted from page 43-44 of the Betty Crocker Kids Cook! cookbook), potato chips, and apple slices.

Wednesday: Tater Tot casserole and applesauce (our anniversary, so mom and dad are going out)

Thursday: Triple Decker tortillas (page 120 of Better Homes and Gardens Kids Favorites Made Healthy cookbook) and churros

Friday: Homemade ham and cheese pizza and a movie!

Saturday: Cheeseburgers and Fries, make chocolate chip cookies for dessert tomorrow (eat a few today!)

Sunday: Garlic and herb baked chicken, three cheese potatoes, corn on the cob, cookies

Posting this makes me hungry. I can't wait to eat it all. YUM!!


  1. Looks like a good week in the kitchen! Love the name of your farm!

  2. Looks awesome. I love zucchini bread!

  3. I need to do this, too. Our meals are GF, as we have a daughter with Celiac's...and since it is hereditary, ,means that several of the rest of us are probably gluten sensitive. Have a great week!


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