
Monday, July 5, 2010

Blog Walking---Week Four

Join us each week as we take a tour of some of the TOS Homeschool Crew blogs. I have been enjoying seeing all the diversity out there, and feeling the sense of support from many crewmembers. If you pass this way, please "wave" as you "walk" by!!

1. King Alfred Academy--Please visit and pray for their extended family.

2. Confessions of An Organized Homeschool Mom--Funny cartoons! The one about organizing books is totally me!!

3. Curriculum Reviews from Oak Creek Farmhouse

4. I Can't Decide---I know. Me neither! It's all so wonderful!

5. My Life on A Taffy Pull---I love the name of this blog. I love her write up about why she named her blog what she did. You should check it out.

6. Losing My Tale

7. Made in His Image---They are a military family (like us) and she is an expectant mother. Stop by and wish her well.

8. Serenades and Solace--join an Australian family's adventures. They have crafts, recipes, and much  more.

9. Our Village is a Little Different

10. SisterTipster's Tell'n It!---She's got some good stuff and a nice way of sharing it. She shares lots of tips on free favorite price!

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