
Monday, April 1, 2013

I'm So Excited!

I am so excited. I recently had the honor of being asked to be an "official HEAV Blogger"...meaning that I will be keeping folks updated here about the Home Educator's Association of Virginia Homeschool Convention.

If you've read any of my previous posts on our state convention, you will know that I absolutely LOVE it and wouldn't miss it for the world. In fact, since we started home educating 13 years ago, I have only missed the convention a few times, and only due to advanced pregnancies plus living in another state (Florida), so I was unable to drive the long distance with all the kids on my own (Hubby had to work).

It is by far the best convention I've ever been to, both as a professional (ie. paid with cash) and non-professional (ie. paid with kisses and hugs) teacher, and I have been to quite a few. My mom tags along every year since grandparents are allowed to attend for FREE!! and sometimes various kiddos choose to accompany us, too, for either the fun of the children's programs or other activities such as robotics demos and chess matches.

We love, love, love our convention and if you live ANYWHERE even a little bit near Virginia and have never decided to make the drive here, I highly recommend signing up this year. Not only with the excellent speakers encourage you, and the enormous vendor hall excite you, and the awesome used curriculum sale enliven you, but this year there is an extra-special bonus...The Duggars will be there to speak. Woo Hoo!

Registration starts soon, so pay attention and I will let you know when the green light is lit to start signing up...that way you will be able get online and sign up right away before all the Duggar tickets are gone. I'll bet they will go fast!

As if that wasn't exciting enough, I will also be giving away one FULL REGISTRATION to the HEAV Convention. Isn't that awesome?? My giveaway will take place in early May, so if you find that you haven't registered by then, you can participate and possibly go for free!

If you are a parent of a pre-schooler, and have never attended the convention before, and are still trying to decide about home education, guess what?? You can sign up for the convention for FREE! Parents new to the idea of homescooling who have older children may attend all Thursday sessions for free to get an idea of the nuts and bolts of home education. Now isn't that awesome?? In addition, grandparents and spouses are included in your registration fee! Also, if your family is traveling through a season of particular financial hardship, there are a limited number of scholarships available. You can obtain more details on the convention at the HEAV website.

It really is worth the investment. I can't possibly measure the benefit of attending the convention to your homeschooling, but it is immense.

I can pretty much guarantee that if you join us, it will be one of the best things you will ever do to revive and enrich your home educating experience, though.
I hope to see you there!!

1 comment:

Your comments are a blessing to me. Thank you. I hope you visit again soon!