
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

HEAV Registration Is OPEN For Members ONLY...Hurry Over For Pre-Registration Deals and DUGGAR Tickets!

Hello local friends (and those within driving distance of Virginia),

I thought that you might want to know that as of 10 a.m. Wednesday morning, registration for the HEAV Convention to be held June 6th-8th will be open for HEAV members only. Early Registration will continue through Friday, but don't wait too long as you must reserve tickets if you wish to attend the Duggars' Keynote session, and I imagine they will go fast. Registration covers your entire family, including grandparents, but there is a maximum number of six Duggar session tickets you can request per paid family admission. Duggar session tickets are not available if you register using one the "free" registration options (though there may be some available at the door).

If you aren't already a member, consider hopping over to the HEAV site and joining right away. It only costs $35 and comes with a myriad of benefits, such as reduced costs for HSLDA, tuition reduction at Regent University, and discounts at some vendors. Check out the details on the membership page.

The cost of the basic registration, without any of the extra programs, is $59 for members. You can add admissions to the Children's Program, Heroes of the Faith, for $20 per day per child. We've done the programs in past years, and the kids have always loved them. This year there is also an IEW SAT/ACT Essay Writing seminar option for $39, as well as a Cartooning Camp option for $69 for one session. Miracle Mountain Ranch will be hosting a two-day teen series of sessions for youth ages 13-18 for only $10. I think that is quite a bargain!

If you are new to the idea of home education, there is no cost for the sessions offered on Thursday afternoon and evening which introduce you to the why's, wherefore's, and how-to's of home education. There is also no charge for the parents of preschoolers if this is the first time you have attended this convention...isn't that an amazing offer? Please, pass on this generous news to a friend with preschoolers and take her along with you this year.

Other special events include Graduation 2013, a Leadership Luncheon (free to leaders of homeschooling groups and other positions of home education support), a new special section in the vendor hall for young entrepreneurs to have their own booths, and a Single Parents Luncheon.

As always, there is a remarkable selection of excellent speakers who will be speaking on a wide variety of topics from how to homeschool to running a home business, a vastly populated vendor hall, and the wonderful used curriculum sale (start getting your used and unwanted items together now and make some money to cover this year's curriculum choices!).

To register early, if you are already an HEAV member, simply go to the HEAV website between 10 a.m. Wednesday through Friday. You will find printable directions to the convention center as well as information about food and hotels on the website, as well.

If you would like to volunteer for the convention for at least two hours, you can obtain a pass for early admission to the Used Curriculum Sale. Those passes are gold, since much of the best stuff goes fast, so while you do not receive free admission to the convention, if you have time to spare, check out this information on how to volunteer.

If you have any more questions, please feel free to explore the HEAV site. Scrolling over the "Convention" tab at the top right of the page will give you options for more info.

You can hop over to Homeschool Creations for a chance to win a full family registration, a value of $79. The giveaway goes on until Friday. I will be holding my giveaway in May, so if you don't win hers, you can try here!

If you are planning to attend this convention, I'd love to meet you. Feel free to leave a message and we will connect's going to be a wonderful two days. Since my birthday is near convention time, I always consider attendance to be my birthday present. It makes getting another year older seem not quite so bad. Attending the HEAV Convention is definitely one of my favorite things to do all year!

I hope to see you there.


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