
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sermon Sunday---Breathing Room

Phil Vassar: Don't Miss Your Life

I've listened to all four sermons of this series by Andy Stanley, son of Charles Stanley, this last week. I love listening to both father and son preach. To listen to a sermon by Dr. Stanley is like sitting at the feet of a wise and caring grandfather. Hearing a sermon by Andy is more like talking to a friend whose advice you value greatly. Both are strong men of God, and I have learned a lot from them.

This sermon series is called "Breathing Room" and covers three major areas of life we all need to deliberately monitor closely in order to maintain breathing room, or margin, in them: your schedule, your finances, your work. The messages are hard hitting, but not hard to listen to. You may find yourself being convicted to make some changes, so be prepared.

I highly suggest listening to them (or watching them, because they have excellent visuals) with your teens, or even with younger members of your family, or at least listen to them on your own or with your spouse. On the site I am linking you to, you will find printable handouts with discussion questions, if you'd like to dig more in depth with your family to see if there are any areas into which you can work some more breathing room.

If you enjoy this series, try others at the main Northpoint website. I highly recommend the "Guardrails" series, as well as "Taking Responsibility for Your Life (Tex loved this series).

Let me know what you think about them. I'd love to hear your though

Have a blessed week.


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