
Friday, September 7, 2012

Reading is Fun With the Reading Kingdom


At our house, computer learning programs are always a big hit. Reading Kingdom was no exception. I will be honest and tell you that a few years ago we tried a free trial of the program and it was too difficult to get past the typing learning portion of the program, so Ladybug and Cowboy weren't keen about it. Well, either Firefly is much more advanced at the same age, or perhaps she is more patient, but Firefly LOVED the program so much that any time I asked her to work on the computer (doing Reading Kingdom and IXL), she'd stick with doing Reading Kingdom for an hour or more, just to make the next level, then the next, and so on. She never felt like it was too difficult or boring...she just plain loved it.


I know this is not very specific, but there was a lot to like about Reading Kingdom. I liked how there was an introductory evaluation to see where your child needed to be placed within the program. It seemed right on for Firefly's abilities. The work was never too difficult nor was it so simple that she got bored or wanted to quit before completing a section. Her older siblings (Cowboy and Ladybug) helped her through the first few lessons, but after that, she worked quite well on her own. As the teacher, I also liked how the program covers all six skills needed for reading and writing success (see the chart above). 


Reading Kingdom is not intended to take over as it's own reading program. Instead, it works well with ANY program you may already have. You can use it with something that is very specific in its scope and sequence, or you can use it with something as free flowing as simply reading lots of interesting living books with your children each day. Whatever way you choose to teach reading to your children, Reading Kingdom is sure to add something to you children's education, and will support your teaching efforts. You might like to read about how The Reading Kingdom is different from other reading programs.


Firefly just loved the program, even though I (and Ladybug and Cowboy) thought it was a bit repetitive. I loved how she'd crack up at the funny animations, and every time she achieved a new certificate/award for her progress, she was so proud. 

The portion of the program that Firefly had access to was trying to teach her that she needs to read from left to right, and to recognize letters. I felt that she progressed in these areas since I saw her looking at actual books after using the program and using her finger to scan the words on the pages from left to right, and she also recognized more letters the she did before using the program. She was seeing how words are made from letters put together using certain rules, and she was prepared to start writing words on the pictures she loves to draw and send to people.

You can sign up for the Reading Kingdom with a free 30 day trial  to see if your kids like the program like Firefly did. After that, subscriptions to Reading Kingdom are $19.99/month (with no monthly minimum), or $199.99 per year (20% off). Additional children in your account get 50% off ($9.99/month or $99.99/year). You can cancel your subscriptions at any timeIf you have more than one child you would like to use Reading Kingdom with, you can contact the company about volume pricing discounts. There are many other products available on their site, including reading books for each level. You can see them at the Reading Kingdom store.

PhotobucketIf you try Reading Kingdom for thirty days and like it, but find out that you cannot afford the program's monthly fee, you may apply for a scholarship. Isn't that amazing? However, to qualify for the scholarship, you must use the program faithfully four days a week and be able to tell them about your child's positive progress using the program. If you apply during the trial period, you will be notified before it is up if you receive a scholarship, so don't let money (or lack of it) prevent you from trying out this excellent program.

If you'd like to read more reviews on this product before trying it out, check out the Schoolhouse Review Crew blog for more excellent reviews from our team.


Disclaimer: I received a free subscripion to The Reading Kingdom for the purposes of writing this review. All opinions are are based on our own experiences. No other compensation was received.

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