
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June Issue of TOS Magazine Online---FREE!

I wanted to remind you that you can check out the June issue of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine online for FREE! There are some excellent articles, including one on how to tell if a book is a "living book" or not, and several on art that found interesting. You can click straight to vendors of interest just by clicking on the ad links, and there are LOTS of pictures to inspire  you. Don't forget that you can click on the "back issues" tab to check out previous issues of the magazine. 

You can also check out their collection of online articles when you have time. Lots of great information to inspire you over the summer. Plus, don't forget to check out the plethora of product reviews in many disciplines before you make your purchases for next year. It's always a good idea to see what others think of a product before investing lots of money. Visit the TOS Review Crew blog for more useful reviews of many products, too. Not only will you find reviews by homeschoolers like you, but you will also find a variety of ideas on how to use various curricula in the homeschool setting. 

With so many things to do and learn, it's kind of like attending a homeschool convention, only without the crowds, and in the comfort of your own your convenience. Enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. Fellow Crew Mate following now. :) Nice to "meet" you.


Your comments are a blessing to me. Thank you. I hope you visit again soon!