
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

An Old-Fashioned Happily Ever After---Vintage-Style Wedding Pictures

Bubba and Miss A. got hitched on was a simple, yet elegant wedding in the country at Miss A's family's boarding stable. 

The ceremony was performed outdoors under God's big and beautiful blue sky, on a lush green lawn, to the music of a single violinist who added accompaniment to the many talented birds that were singing because they were so happy about the upcoming events.

Bubba was obviously smitten by his lady love, and she was a bundle of nerves, but ready for the second-most important moment of her life (the first one being the day she asked Jesus into her heart).

 She was stunning in a white lace gown sprinkled with pearls and glittering in the sunshine. She carried lilies, a symbol of chastity and virtue, friendship and devotion...a very fitting choice for the two of them.

Unfortunately, my camera malfunctioned, so many of my photos wound up having a strange purple hue to them. However, I found that by changing them to a sepia tone, which kind of fits the whole country, old-fashioned, barn thing, I get rid of the odd hue, so it's not so bad.
It's Vintage. 

These pictures will perhaps remind you of the days when your love was young and encourage you to think of your own true love and appreciate him (or her) just a little bit more tonight as you reminisce about days gone by (or to dream of the one the Lord has waiting for you, and say a prayer for their safekeeping). 

 Here are some sweet shots in front of the pasture fence.
Bubba's horse, Dusty, and her horse, Ranger, are back there somewhere...
I am sure they are happy for the newlyweds, too.

Hey, I just realized that not only can Bubba say he was raised in a barn (since he spent so much time there growing did she, for that matter), but he can say he was married in a barn, too.
What stories they will have to tell their kids...*smile*
That's life in the country, folks.

Here's to another happily ever after...the Lord sure did a fantastic job of bringing these two hearts together.

The newlyweds greeted their well-wishers from the loft of the barn, and you can see the joy on their faces
 (and perhaps some relief that the ceremony is over!).

They headed out after the ceremony for a history-lover's honeymoon of visiting Williamsburg, Monticello, and Annapolis

Bubba has planned a few fun things for them to do, including an Orioles game and a carriage ride, with plenty of time left over for enjoying the special moments together (with no horses to tend to).

What a blessing!!

 Please keep the two of them in your prayers during the rest of this week, that they may grow closer together during the time they have on their honeymoon, and over the many years to come.

This is the wedding party in front of the lovely flower-draped arbor where the ceremony was held.
Ladybug and Firefly were flower girls.
My brother was the best man.

I just had to add this handsome picture of Tex. He was an usher at the wedding and afterwards he happily informed me that it will be at least ten years before we have to do the wedding thing again since he plans to finish college and be able to support a wife in the way that his brother can before thinking about marriage. *whew**smile*


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