
Friday, May 11, 2012

"5 Days of..." Blog Hop May 14th-18th

You may have noticed that occasionally I participate in the TOS Review Crew Blog Cruise.  Keeping in mind that it is homeschooling convention season, and that homeschooling families are thinking about next school year already, our esteemed Cruise Director, Marcy has organized a TOS Crew Blog Hop to help you start your summer planning off right. 

Beginning Monday, May 14th, and running for five consecutive days, many of the TOS Review Crew members will be participating in the "5 Days of…" Blog Hop.  Each of the participants will blog about one topic or theme for all five days.  I’ve heard that there will be topics such as "Favorite Freebies," "Hands-on Science," "Using Technology in Your Homeschool,"  "Bringing Books to Life," "Living Out of My Pantry," "Nature Journaling," "Adoption," "Preschool Arts and Crafts," "Home Organization," and "Theme Park Homeschooling." Sounds great, huh?? Definitely motivational. I’ll be blogging for the five days about developing character in your children.

Each of my posts will include a link to the TOS Homeschool Blog Post where you can hop between blogs.  At last count, there were about 65 crew members participating, and that equals 325 motivational and inspirational posts to get you pumped up for your summer and the 2012-2013 homeschool year. WOW!!

I've learned so much from my fellow Crew members this year, and this is your chance to glean from their many years of experience and benefit from their helpful you might discover a few new blogs you want to follow!! So please, get out your calendar and pencil in some time to visit several of the blogs and learn a few new things you didn't even know you needed to will be glad you did.  


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