
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sermon Sunday---Christian: It's Not What You Think

Tex was not feeling up to par on Sunday (he fell and wrenched his knee pretty badly and it was swollen) and we said he could stay home and rest if he watched a sermon while we were gone. When we got back from church he excitedly shared how good the Christian: It's Not What You Think series from Andy Stanley is and asked if we'd watch it so we could talk about it.

Having watched part one so far, I have to agree that this has all the makings of an excellent sermon series, so if you have time this week, it would be worth your while to watch this with your family and have a lively and enlightening conversation about it around the dinner table...Then you can watch parts two and three and see where they take you (I am staying up late to watch part two right now...I can't wait until tomorrow to see it!). Enjoy.

from Andy Stanley of North Point Church 
in Alpharetta, GA

Have a blessed week,

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