
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Grow Your Media Library With The Woodcarver---Giveaway and Review

The Woodcarver is available for $10.92 from Christian Cinema

My hubby and I were discussing movies just the other day. Not plots of our favorites, or even reviewing the titles of recently released films, but one of those pretty weighty discussions about which movies we were choosing to allow our family to watch. We discussed the idea of there being acceptable, good, better, and best, in our choices (not to mention unacceptable and waaaaay not going to happen ever!!), and we determined that we should strive for not just acceptable and good, but choose to go for those that are better...eventually leaving only room for the best. It will be a process for us as we sort through years of collecting cute and fun videos and dvds (at bargain prices, of course!), and learn to discern which ones are the truly better ones, and ultimately, the best.

Well, I am here to make it easy for least with one video. The Woodcarver is definitely one of the best. There was not one thing I did not like about it, and many I loved. John Ratzenberger plays a widower named Ernest who is a reclusive woodcarver. A young man named Matthew, who is torn up by his parents' dissolving marriage, takes out his ire on the beautiful carved woodwork in the church he feels betrayed him by promising something he does not see in his own home (love, grace, and forgiveness). In order to avoid criminal charges for vandalism, Matthew must help Ernest repair the church. In doing so, he learns an art (really, this woodcarving is definitely art), learns more about Jesus, and discovers how to forgive his family and move ahead towards healing. The theme of WWJD ("What Would Jesus Do") is emphasized throughout the film, and in the end, Matthew is not the only one who learns to live out that challenge...nearly everyone experiences the power of having faith, experiencing God's grace, and the healing of forgiveness.

Tex (age 14), Ladybug (age 8), Cowboy (age 6), and Firefly (age 4) watched this movie with me. We had a fun pizza picnic in the living room and enjoyed the show. Cowboy and Firefly faded before the movie ended, but Ladybug was entranced...she asked thoughtful questions throughout the movie, and since I was there to explain certain things (like when the bad guys were bad and about divorce), she was not disturbed by anything in the movie. Cowboy made the comment, "When we work together we will have a good life" after viewing much of the movie. That's some good wisdom coming from a six-year-old!

I do not recall any poor language. There was no improper dress. The movie is, in my opinion, appropriate for most ages, though parents may wish to preview it and see if it suits their youngest viewers (there is vandalism and someone deliberately starts a fire). The character of Ernest was very wise and someone you would probably love to have as a neighbor. Even the parents, who started out sort of in the "bad guy" arena at the beginning of the movie, were pretty neat by the end. The young man is completely transformed from a sullen miscreant to a dedicated and determined friend. 

Tex got a lot out of the movie, too, and we had an enlightening conversation about it afterwards. He said he'd sure love to learn to carve like Ernest and wishes there was someone like that that he could apprentice under...what those folks did with wood was amazing, and the way they worked together to make something incredible was inspiring.

I hope you will be intrigued by what I have shared about this movie and make the effort to watch it with your own family. If you'd like to win a copy of it, please enter my giveaway this week and maybe you will win one to be delivered to your very own front door! You can also enter with the idea of donating the DVD to your church library once you have viewed it. I highly encourage folks to buy two of the quality, family-friendly movies that they watch and to give one to their church so that more families will be made aware that there are films being made that promote family values and good morals instead of tearing them down.

In order to enter, please follow me and leave a comment saying you have done so (or leave me a comment saying that you are a follower already. In your comment, I'd love to hear what your favorite family-friendly movie is, but this is not a requirement to win. Leaving me a reliable way to reach you easily, however, is. 

I pray you have a blessed week. This giveaway ends on March 22, my dad's birthday. I will notify the winner the next day. If you'd like an extra entry (just for fun), "like" my facebook page and wish Poppy a happy birthday. Make sure you come back here and leave me a comment telling me you did so.



  1. I'm already a follower. I love Courageous!

  2. I am a follower. We just saw Courageous last week as a family and we all loved it! The Blind Side is another favorite movie.


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