
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Movie Double Feature Giveaway!

A while back, I mentioned a fantastic movie I was blessed to pre-screen at the movie theater, The Mighty Macs. The story of the first women's college basketball championship season in 1971, it is a faith-based movie that is not only family-friendly, but family-fun. With something for everyone, from sports, to friendship, to underdogs to cheer for...all with a good dose of clean humor... The Mighty Macs, starring Carla Gugino (Spy Kids), David Boreanaz (Bones), and Ellen Burstyn, is an exciting movie all members of your family will appreciate.

The Mighty Macs chronicles the struggles of Cathy Rush, a first-time basketball coach (and wife to NBA ref Ed Rush), who attempts to take the almost non-existent and underfunded basketball program at a dying women's Catholic college (Immaculata) from practicing without benefit of a gym or proper equipment, to playing in the finals...with the help of a few unexpected enthusiastic supporters, the nuns. This movie is Dove approved and rated "G" and does not contain anything I considered particularly objectionable (no violence or inappropiate scenes), though it did show a nun having a beer in a bar, and a man making a fairly rude comment, but most kids will either not notice this, or if old enough, you can discuss the implications of the scene. You can download a free discussion guide for use with your family at The Mighty Macs website. This movie was in all ways an uplifting story of never giving up, dreaming big, and having faith. I highly recommend it.

If you never got a chance to see The Mighty Macs on the big screen (it was a limited release film), you can have a second chance to see it by watching it on its newly-released DVD format, available from online vendors such as Christian Book Distributors. Take a few minutes now to watch the trailer, then  enter my giveaway, and win a copy for your family. Just leave a comment saying that you'd like to win a copy of The Mighty Macs and follow Blessings Pour Out (or let me know you are already a follower). The giveaway runs from February 29th until March 15th. My mom's birthday is on March 9th, so if you "Like" Blessings Pour Out on Facebook and leave a comment on the page wishing Nanny a "Happy Birthday," I will give you a second entry for getting into the party spirit! Let me know via a second comment here that you have sent her birthday wishes. Thanks.

I am so grateful to have the opportunity to review some of the new generation of family-friendly films that have been released in the past few years. It seemed for a while there that the only sorts of movies being made were the kind I wouldn't go see...horror films, violent dramas, and edgy movies filled with cursing, rude characters, and/or inappropriate scenes. Thankfully, there are film groups out there now representing the more traditional families and making films that people of all ages can go see together...moms and dads can attend these movies with their kids by their sides, and have no need to cover the little ones' eyes and ears every five minutes, or to blush when they look over at grandma who is sitting a few seats over. How refreshing!

As conservative Christian families, we need to do our best to support these movies by attending them when they are in the theaters, spreading the word about how good they are (how many people have you told to go see Courageous? Every man/family needs to see that one!), and purchasing them when they are released on DVD for ourselves, as gifts, and for our churches.  I hope you will consider entering one of these two movie giveaways and passing on the movie to your church library once you have viewed it, so it will be available for your church family to see and share with others.

On to the second excellent movie that I had the opportunity to view online. Three Hearts is the true story Cissie Graham Lynch (wife of NFL player Corey Lynch of the Buccaneers, and granddaughter of Billy Graham, as she serves as an intern with the Children's Heart Project. This ministry provides vital medical services (operations) for medically at-risk children around the world. The movie follows the stories of three Mongolian children who desperately need heart surgery before it is too late. It chronicles Cissie's efforts to bring the children and their families to the US, their interactions with their host families, and takes you through their surgeries and the aftermath. For mission-minded families, this movie is an excellent example of how important every person is in a chain of events leading from one thing to another. Everyone plays a vital role in God's plans, no matter how small the part or how young the participant. One way the movie does this is to show how a young American heart patient who decides to "give back" is able to rally his community to raise money to bring over just one more needy child.

I liked Three Hearts a lot. My husband enjoyed it, too. Tex and Ladybug found it very interesting. The other little ones did not stay up late enough to see it, but I think they would like many parts of it. However, in the spirit of full disclosure, I will say that younger children might be disturbed by the openness of the situations, the talk of death, and the operating room scenes. I did not notice that they were particularly disturbing, but that sort of thing does not bother me...we just talked about the reality of the situation and had a good discussion about it. My SIL thought those things would bother her children (they bothered her a bit), and she did not have them watch it (they are considerably younger than most of my kids, though). This movie is Dove approved and recommended for ages 12 and up.

This movie showed many incredible things, from the simple and heartfelt prayers of the families, to the complexities of arranging such missions efforts, and also it makes clear that there is a lasting effect knowing these brave children had on the lives of those they who worked with them. I was particularly moved by this film, and am all ready to start saving for the surgery of a child. You will be, too.

If you'd like to win a copy of this film for your family or your church, instead of purchasing at Christian Book Distributors, watch the trailer first, then simply comment on this post saying you'd like the Three Hearts DVD and either follow me and tell me you did so, or tell me you are already a follower. The giveaway runs from February 29th until March 15th. If you "Like" Blessings Pour Out on Facebook and leave a comment on the page wishing Poppy (my dad) a "Happy Birthday," since his birthday is on the 22nd of March and I don't want him to feel left out, I will give you a second entry for getting into the party spirit! Let me know via a second comment here that you have sent him birthday wishes. Thanks.

Please make sure to only enter for the two movies separately. If the same person wins twice, I will give them their movie of preference and draw a second winner for the other movie. Please make sure you leave me with an easy way to contact you. Thank you!


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of The Mighty Macs DVD so I could review it on my blog. I was given access to the movie Three Hearts online for the purposes of completing this review. I am sharing our experiences and my opinions about these movies honestly. If you have questions regarding anything said here, please feel free to contact me or comment.


  1. Hi, I would love to win an I'm a follower on FB


  2. I wished Nanny a Happy Birthday!


  3. Three Hearts looks like a wonderful movie. I follow you on FB.

  4. I would love to win either movie. And I am already a follower.

  5. I would love to win The Might Macs or Three Hearts. I will give them to my church. I would love to watch them both with my boys.
    I also wished nanny a happy birthday.
    God Bless, Cheryl


Your comments are a blessing to me. Thank you. I hope you visit again soon!