
Monday, February 13, 2012

Menu Plan Monday (and a Good Read Aloud)

Check out other menu plans at Organizing Junkie.

Here's our Menu Plan for the week ahead:

Monday: Chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese. Great comfort food for a cold night.

Tuesday: Roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, french cut green beans. Happy Valentine's Day!!

Wednesday: Hot ham and cheese sandwiches on the run. Apples. Awana for the kids. Bible study for mom and dad. Yay!

The kids are loving their Bible memory work for Sparkies and Cubbies and are having a blast practicing their verses on the ImpressKids website. You can set up a free trial account and add any verses you like, then your kids play a memory game to work on them. There is also an exercise for practicing the books of the Bible. You will never believe what it is called...wait for's Granny's Bible Dojo. Really! Actually, it does a very good job of teaching and drilling the books in order and both kids are about halfway through the OT with just a week's worth of practice. Good for you kids!

Thursday: Rotisserie chicken (yes, I's from the grocery store...but inexpensive!), rice, leftover green beans, french bread, butter, and jam. I run errands (grocery store, pharmacy, bread store) and Hubby is going over to Bubba's new house to finish rewiring some electrical stuff in the evening.

Friday: Pizza and breadsticks ("it's not delivery, it's DiGiornnio!") and a movie night (The Winning Season based on a book Tex liked called Honus and Me...a baseball flick). The big boys (Hubby and Tex) may go over to our old church to watch Courageous with friends.

I found this useful guide to go with the movie. It's actually
for a stage production, but the same questions apply.

Saturday: Hard day of work...fixing up the house to get ready for the home study in April. Time is flying too fast!! Leftover chicken makes our favorite chicken enchilladas served with Spanish rice. Tex helps in the kitchen. This is his specialty.

Sunday: A BIG pot of beans (7 bean soup) served with LOTS of cheese on top and biscuits on the side. Rest. Enjoy the Lord's day and each other's company. We will be missing Nanny and Poppy, but we are glad they are having a pleasant time with family in the midwest.

Our read aloud for the week is:

Detective Zack and The Secret of Noah's Flood by Jerry D. Thomas. We love the Jonathan Park series of radio dramas, and this book series is also about Creation Science, so we are hoping it will be both fun and informative.

We are also listening to Adventures in Odyssey at whenever we get a chance. The kids love it...listening to audio stories is the perfect way to spend a rainy day. It leaves your hands and eyes free to do other things like: sort and match the mismatched sock bin, fold laundry, sort books, crochet washcloths, draw, play with cars or Legos, mend jeans, cook, or just plain old snuggle. Check it out and I'll bet you will enjoy listening too!

Have a blessed week.

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