
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sermon Sunday---Taking Responsibility for Your Life

You are wondering what an open book has to do with today's Sermon Sunday topic of taking responsibility for your life, right?? I could tell you that it is the Good Book, the ideal place to turn when you have decisions to make, the repository of wisdom for our Heavenly Father, who should always be consulted first when we are making choices. Or that our lives should be an open book, ones that will withstand even the harshest scrutiny, because we strive to live as the Lord would wish us to...responsibly and in a way that honors Him.

 Those would probably be reasonably good answers, but they would not be 100% accurate. The truth is that I am out of web storage and have yet to purchase some more, so here I am, digging in the archives of Picassa for something to use as a graphic. Voila. You get an open book. It could be a Bible. It could be meaningful. Or it might be just a book. Sigh.

In any case, Andy Stanley is the speaker for this Sermon Sunday post. His sermon series on Taking Responsibility for Your Life is one that I think is timely (I am homeschooling a teenager, who will be listening to these sermons this week) and needed by folks of all ages...including me. I can't wait to see what he (Andy) has to say about responsibility.

I pray the series blesses your family, and ours.
Let me know what you think of it.

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