
Monday, January 30, 2012

Menu Plan Monday (and a Good Read Aloud)

Stop by and check out other menu plans at Organizing Junkie

I have been looking for ways to cut down on our grocery expenses and while at the bread store last week, I realized that not only could I spend considerably less on bread for our lunches by shopping there regularly (and on Tuesdays when there is a 10% discount) since a loaf of bread is about $1.29 there instead of the $2.69-$3.89 it runs in the regular store, but that by buying the cinnamon bread, bagels, and super-sized loaves of bread for french toast, I can save money on breakfast, too. We normally eat cereal most days of the week, and even when we buy the cheapest store-brand cereals, it runs $3-$4 dollars a box, and one box lasts for one day...not to mention the extra milk we wind up paying for at $4 or more a gallon ($7 for Boo's lactose free stuff). By varying our breakfasts to include other things, like toast and yogurt, french toast (we have eggs from our hens), fruit and and bagels, I will save quite a lot every week. Yay! We started the "change" this week, and while the kids are missing their usual favorites (even though they always had healthy cereals), they are enjoying the new variety.

Here's our Menu Plan for the week ahead:

Monday: Spaghetti and garlic bread, green salad...friends over for a visit. Nice.

Tuesday: Leftover buffet

Wednesday: Hamburgers and Hot Dogs with fries at church, then Awana for the kids and Bible study for Mom and Dad

Thursday: Black Bean Soup, cornbread muffins...simple, inexpensive, and delicious

Friday: Pizza and a movie (Real Steel)

Saturday: use leftover black beans to make Tortilla Pie. served with Spanish Rice and refried beans

Sunday: Superbowl party at Nanny and Poppy's house (only they aren't there since they are helping Grandma Pooh in Iowa...but their cable is, and Poppy said we can hang out for the day since we don't have cable at our house). I am serving 7 Layer dip, pizza, mozzarella sticks, veggie tray...I am not so much into the football, but I love the food! The girls are going to sew while the guys watch football. Nice. This is different than the Not-a-Superbowl party that mom and I have cooked up the last few years, but I can adapt. You can check out our Simple Seven Layer Dip recipe at last year's party post.

Our read aloud for the week is Flat Stanley in Space since we are reviewing an astronomy product this week and will be spending some time outside stargazing. The forecast calls for clear skies Monday through Wednesday, and unseasonably warm temperatures (a sizzling 70 degrees on Wednesday!), so this is the ideal time to do some star watching. Rain and falling temperatures are expected later in the week, so I am going to make sure to get the kids outside as much as possible on those beautiful days...I am thinking that a day off from regular studies to do a nature walk, ride bikes, and take the kids for a ride on Jake might be a good idea. I just love the flexibility of homeschooling!!

Have a blessed week!

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