
Monday, January 23, 2012

Menu Plan Monday (and a Good Read Aloud)

Check out more menu plans at Organizing Junkie


more Happy Homemaker posts at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

What's up at our house this week??  

Our Menu Plan:

Monday: Chicken lasagna, specialty salad, biscuits---Made by Tex (thank you!)

Tuesday: Tuna rolls, green salad, Italian pasta salad, yogurt

Wednesday: dinner at church

Thursday: Spaghetti and cheesy Texas toast

Friday: Pizza and a Movie Night---The Black Stallion

Saturday: Daddy's cookin' on the grill---cheeseburgers, potato packets, corn on the cob, pickles. 

Sunday: Broccoli and Cheese Soup, Apple Spice Muffins, celery and carrots

Our read aloud:

On my reading pile: The Broadmoor Legacy series by Tracie Peterson and Judith Miller, Nurtured by Love by Shinichi Suzuki, and Ten P's in a Pod by Arnold Pent III

In my craft basket: This month's project is to learn to crochet so I can make washcloths. So far, I have completed one washcloth using single crochet (takes a while). I sent the first one to my grandmother so she could use it when she is doing her dishes in the morning (it helps her arthritis). I am going to work on making one using double crochet this week.

On my to-do list: I am still working on organizing our master bedroom. I am hoping it will be ready to have shelves installed in the closet over the weekend. Having storage for our clothes will help a lot, since we took out our dresser last month to make room for my sewing machine/craft table (two short filing cabinets with a plywood top...we make do with what we have!).

I have to run by social services to pick up a packet to do foster parenting training in February. We are very excited about this. I have to mail a "care package" to my mom (who is in Iowa helping my grandmother as she recovers from a heart attack) on Monday, and get to the drugstore to buy my other grandmother the nail file she likes that they don't sell in her neck of the woods (Missouri) and get it in the mail, too.

What's up in our homeschool? We will be trying a few new programs for the TOS Review Crew this week. Firefly will be starting Reading Eggs and all three Amigos will be trying out K5learning,com. They have been enjoying Math Rider a whole lot. The Bookmobile comes on Wednesday, and the kids go to Awana, which they are LOVING. On Friday, friends of ours are visiting and I am hoping Lady L. and I will have a chance to walk around the local Antique Mall for an hour or so. Maybe one day will be nice enough to take the kids for rides on Jake.

What we are listening to/watching: Vivaldi's Four Seasons, The Kids Hymnal Disk One, Signing Time ABC Signs, and me (only me...when I can't sleep) Numb3rs (on Netflix)

Our weather: is still fairly warm for this time of year, but it keeps yo-yo-ing up and down, getting down to the low thirties at night, sometimes rising to 60 during the day, other days not breaking the low 40s, raining at least 50% of the time (we even had sleet a few days ago, but no snow yet). The kids play outside on any dry day, no matter how cold. Jumping on the trampoline keeps them warm!

Here's a link to a site I just discovered: Pink and Green Mama...I love, love, love her kids' spaces! If only...maybe one of these days.

A picture from my camera: This is from last spring/summer...the kids love strawberries and have strawberry goodness on their minds because the strawberry plants in a faux terra cotta planter in our kitchen have blooms and they are watching them daily, hoping they will become scrumptious strawberries soon! In order to help them wait patiently, I am going to pull out the huge freezer bag of strawberries I froze over the summer and make freezer jam this weekend. Yum.

Scripture for the week: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8

Have a blessed week!

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