
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas--Family Photos

One big, happy family--Christmas 2011
Top: Tex, me, Bubba, Poppy
Middle: Hubby, Ladybug, Papa Bear (my brother)
Bottom: Boo, Little Bear (my nephew), Mama Bear (my SIL),
 Brother Bear (my nephew), Firefly, Nanny, and Cowboy

Thanks to my brother and SIL for providing some of these pictures since my camera broke.

Our Family--Christmas 2011
Hubby, Bubba, Tex, Me, Firefly, Boo, Cowboy, and Ladybug

Christmas 2011
Another shot; this time Boo and Firefly are looking at the camera,
but Hubby's not cooperating...
Is he trying to tell someone how to take the picture,
Or is he saying, "Gouda" instead of "Sinky Cheese!" like the rest of us?

Ladybug, Cowboy, Tex, Firefly, and Boo

Bubba and his lovely lady.
They make a great team.
My brother and SIL.
My adorable nephews,
Little Bear and Brother Bear.

Merry Christmas to all of you!!


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