
Monday, November 7, 2011

Menu Plan Monday (and a good read aloud)

It's another week closer to the holidays. I can hardly believe that they are already playing Christmas music in the stores, yet it isn't even Thanksgiving yet. It's kind of like we're trying to skip the thankfulness and get onto the gifts. We have too much to be grateful for to do that. I hope people take the time to focus on the gifts they've already received before they go out and start making a list of more that they want. However, I have actually begun my Christmas shopping (which is very unusual for me), and am managing to find some wonderful things while saving money at the same time by planning ahead. What a concept!

We talked to the children last month and they all agreed that they would be satisfied with one small gift instead of the usual abundance (normally we'd get them something to develop one of their giftings, something personal and cuddly like new PJs, a blanket, or a stuffed toy, a book, and a family game for all of us to share) That way we can use the saved Christmas funds to pay to have a fence installed around the yard to keep Boo safe. He is two and loves to be outside, but can't be let outside without adult supervision because the house is too close to a road where people regularly buzz by going sixty, even though it is a country road and the speed limit is 25 mph. It scares me.

We will probably just get them one present that has to do with developing their gifts and talents, but instead of going all out, we will stick to small items, like maybe a kid-sized grooming kit for Cowboy to use on the pony, or an art set for Ladybug. We've also considered the idea of getting the Amigos a group gift...a used saddle for the pony. We've been giving them rides on her bareback, but stirrups and a more comfortable seat would be nice. What do you think?

Well, I think I'd better get off of the Christmas discussion, or I am going to be wanting to put on the Christmas music while I am cooking...and you know how I feel about forgetting Thanksgiving and moving on to Christmas. We have so much to be thankful for.

Join the Menu Plan Monday link up at Organizing Junkie

So on to this week's menu:

Monday: Chicken salad, lettuce, tomato, macaroni salad, and applesauce. I cheat when I make my chicken salad, and use one of those baked chickens available from the grocery store. I add diced apples, halved grapes, celery, and walnuts. What do you use?

Tuesday: Black bean tortilla wraps, Spanish rice, lettuce, and tomato. Lots of sour cream and extra cheese, please! We eat dinner at lunchtime on Tuesdays because of Chess Club, then just have cereal or a sandwich when we get home for a light meal.

Wednesday: Church dinner. Hamburgers, I think. The kids are going to start Awana tonight.

Thursday: Chicken soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. I will make broth from the leftover chicken earlier in the week, and add carrots, onion, celery, parsley, and noodles to it later. The kids love this meal. It's definitely classified as a comfort food.

Friday: This is normally pizza and a movie night. Daddy is off for the day, and the ladies (Mom, Ladybug, and Firefly) will be meeting Nanny and Auntie K at the Tea Room in the Antique Mall for lunch and "shopping." Hopefully, we will make it back in time to have fun with the guys, too.

Saturday:  Cowboy requested some Dinosaur Chicken Nuggets the last time we went to the grocery store, and mommy was indulgent. I think this will be a good day to serve them up with Macaroni and Cheese, corn, and some pear sauce.

Sunday: Crock Pot Roast with potatoes and carrots. Served with gravy and warm rolls. Easy (since I cheat and use canned potatoes and peeled baby carrots) and delicious. I add a can of french onion soup to my water, plus a few beef bouillon cubes (hey, I just learned how to use the spell check feature trying to get my spelling of bouillon right...gotta love learning something new every day!). It makes the best gravy. What do you add to your pot roast to make it yummy?

Plans for this week include: Chess Club on Tuesday, Awana Wednesday, a Greeting Card-Making seminar with my Mom and sister-in-law on Thursday, and tea with the girls on Friday. The weekend is going to be busy trying to get things (like some horse fences) squared away in the last full week before we travel to visit the in-laws for Thanksgiving. Busy, busy, busy!

We will, however, take time to read a book together in the evenings. Our book for this week is Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder. We read Little House in the Big Woods over the summer, and the kids are ready to hear more of the story. I am hoping it will inspire me (and the girls) to do more sewing and baking inside as the days get shorter and colder. What are you reading this week?

Have a blessed week.



  1. Hey Heather! For my chicken salad I use a little mayo (or miracle whip), some relish, celery, and a little bit of celery seed. I love the idea of grapes in it, but no nuts for me please.

    I read Little House in the Big Woods over the summer as well. I would love the next book in the series. If you happen to see if anywhere, please let me know.

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Your comments are a blessing to me. Thank you. I hope you visit again soon!