
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Gratitude Challenge--Operation Christmas Child

Ladybug and Firefly helped me take a receiving blanket and make a dolly blanket and pillow out of it to include with the dolly we included in the box we made for a girl. It was a special afternoon and we covered our handiwork with many prayers for the recipient.

For the last several years, my parents have been in charge of handling Operation Christmas Child at their church. Each year, Tex and a few of his friends, stay over night at Nanny and Poppy's house for the weekend, so they can help on the biggest collection days. This is such an incredible blessing to us as a family. It gives my younger ones an opportunity to reach out to others by helping to fill a few boxes, and my older ones the chance to see directly what goes on at the collection sites, and to experience the joy of collecting so many boxes. Imagine all of the grateful smiles and ful hearts that will come from such a small effort on our part...and such a large effort on the part of those who organize the main operations, such as my parents, and those in the main collection centers locally, and nationally. Some day I'd love for us to go as a family and help deliver the boxes, but just imagining it, and praying for the young lives who will be touched by the many heartfelt gifts, makes me smile.

Cowboy helped me pick out dinosaurs, cars, trucks, a ball, and a drawing board for a little boy. We hope he will like his new toys!

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