
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sermon Sunday---The Key to Making Wise Decisions

A perennial favorite of our family's is Dr. Charles Stanley of In Touch Ministries. Since I have sick children who needed to stay home from church today, I sat and rocked them while watching this excellent sermon of Dr. Stanley's on how to live by principle instead of preference. He highlights the life and choices of Daniel, and how his adherence to the principles he was taught by his parents had an incredible and lasting influence on generations of individuals, spanning from back then until now. Daniel's convictions carried him through the reigns of four different rulers, and earned him much respect. It really makes you think about what influence you are having, on whom you are having it, and what fruit will grow from the seeds you have planted.

I love Dr. Stanley's Life Principles series, and this sermon is an worthy supplement to it. Every adult should watch this sermon, and every parent should watch it with their kids. Firefly is one of my two sickies (she is four..Boo, age two, is the other who is sick), and she asked me probing questions and definitely got something out of the talk (I didn't even realize she was listening!), so I imagine children of most ages will be able to understand it, just like Firefly did.

Here are the Life Principles Notes for this sermon. Here is a detailed Bible study of the topic Making Wise Decisions, if you'd like to go deeper.

I pray that you and your family are blessed by the sermon...I know I was.

The Key to Making Wise Decisions by Dr. Charles Stanley

Have a blessed Sunday,


1 comment:

Your comments are a blessing to me. Thank you. I hope you visit again soon!