
Monday, August 8, 2011

Menu Plan Monday (plus, a movie and a read aloud!)

Flat Stanley says, "Hello!" from our annual church picnic...
Gotta love a good old church potluck.
Can you say, "Yummy!"?
Stanley's favs were the ambrosia salad, a juicy burger, and of course,
the chocolate cake with loads of gooey icing. Heavenly.

Our Menu for the Week:

Monday: Pizza (I had a BAD migraine). Delivered. Done. We watched A Bear Called Winnie about the bear who inspired A.A. Milne to write Winnie the Pooh. It was very good. There are brief war scenes at the end, but nothing gory or too traumatic (well, people get killed, but it is not shown, just known). The lessons of loyalty (even to animals) and bravery in spite of fear are timeless. All the kids (ages 13-2) enjoyed it.

Tuesday: Cheesy egg and garden vegetable scrambled egg breakfast burritos. Pears from our trees, cooked with butter and brown sugar until scrumptious, served over vanilla yogurt...delicious!

Wednesday: Cheese quesadillas. Spanish rice. Lettuce and tomatoes on the side. Lots of sour cream.

Thursday: Tater Tot Casserole and chunky applesauce.

Friday: BLT wrap of our favorites. Macaroni salad on the side.

Saturday: Spaghetti and cheesy garlic bread. Salad. Extra tomatoes. I just can't keep up with the tomato crop this year. There are worse things.

Sunday: "Surprise me" day...Tex said he'd like to cook more. He doesn't want to get out on his own and only know how to heat up stuff in the microwave. He came up with that on his own. Good on ya, Tex! I can't wait to see what we are going to have. I'll bet it is delicious. I am so blessed.


Read Alouds for the Week:

We checked The Railway Children out from our library and listened to a bit over half of it in the car, but we haven't been doing much driving since my folks have been out of town, so we never finished it. Alas, we had to turn it back in, so I found it on Project Guttenberg and we are going to try to listen to the rest of the story this week during the hottest hours of the day. It has been a very good story so far, showing how children can find things NOT electronic or parent-led with which amuse themselves and how they can pull together and help out when times are tough. It also shows siblings taking care of each other, and holding each other accountable, as well as strong family loyalty, and a healthy dose of "random acts of kindness." Pretty language and good morals. I love E. Nesbit and old books.

We will be starting our study of Egypt in October (September is for Creation through the Sumerians...we are using Mystery of History as our spine). Since Mummies in the Morning, the third Magic Treehouse book is one of the books on our LONG list of books to read for Egypt (most are much more serious and realistic), I figured the kids needed to hear the first two books so they won't be lost when they hear it. Here are some nifty activity and question pages you can print for each chapter, if you're interested.

The family that reads together...reads together.
I love seeing the kids so engrossed in a book.

Have a blessed and book-filled week!!


See more menu plans at Organizing Junkie

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