
Monday, April 4, 2011

I Will Praise You

I am always impressed by Rebecca St. James. Not only is she an excellent singer who shares her gift with obvious passion for the Lord, but she is a talented songwriter who writes many of her own songs. Really, singing is one thing...but being able to write the songs you sing is pretty amazing. Especially when you are talking about songs that are so filled with honor and praise for our God, the Most High, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. Put that way, I am doubly impressed that her songs convey the reverence that is due to our Lord so effectively. I know they deepen my praise and worship experiences. They have for years.

When I was given the opportuntiy to review Rebecca's new release, I Will Praise You, I was thrilled. I have been a fan since the release of her album (my absolute and all time favorite), Worship God. I remember going to a concert of hers, VERY pregnant with Ladybug...this was a treat Hubby sent me to that I sorely needed as we had just made a tough move away from family, twenty-six hours south of "home," to Florida. I walked into the concert hoping to be refreshed and refocused on God because sometimes amidst the rush, rush, rush to move, unpack, make connections, find a church, find a homeschool group...all before the baby was due...I felt like I had lost sight of His plan and the peace He offers.

Anyway, the concert was everything I hoped for and needed. Since hearing about Rebecca's stance on purity, I have been impressed by this young woman, and hope my daughters will see her example, and her heart for the Lord, and be inspired by it. Her music stirred my own heart, and the hearts of those around me, and apparently, Ladybug's (in utero, no less!), because she spent the next hour or so turning somersaults and jumping all over the place. It was a tad bit uncomfortable, to be sure, but I told Hubby when I got home that this one was sure to love Rebecca St. James' music when she came out.

And she has. We have worn our Worship God CD out. It has so many scratches on it, some of the songs skip a bit. We have played it loudly in the car and sung in praise to God at the top of our lungs as we drove down the interstate to move once again, this time back towards family. We have learned the signs to our favorite song, Song of Love, and jump up and start signing them anytime we hear it play.(You really ought to try learning the basic signs to some of your favorite songs. It really deepens your worship experience). We have given a copy to a few friends to strengthen them and cheer them up. It's a good one. It's a keeper.

Well, I Will Praise You is another good one. Another keeper. I doubt it will replace Worship God as my favorite (how could it with memories like that?), but it is one my kids and I will request again and again. The day I received it in the mail, we listened to it three times in the car while driving around town, never tiring of the inspiring tunes, carefully listening to the words, gleaning the eternal truths from them. It is obvious that Rebecca poured her heart and soul into this album. It has been said that it is "her most personal recording to date." Every song is based on scriptures (such as Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, Ephesians, Titus, Hebrews, and Revelation), and you are probably aware of how hearing the words of God put to music cements the message in our hearts...certainly, David knew it...and things have not changed. Our music may be a bit different now, but in my opinion, this music of Rebecca's is no less worshipful. She both writes and sings with sincerity and I can highly recommend this CD to anyone, especially Rebecca St. James fans who have been waiting since 2005 for her to release another album. You will not be disappointed. It is a good one. It really is a keeper.

Read some of the lyrics from one of my favorite songs from this album:

I Will Praise You
Joy comes in the morning, the sun is rising, and I wait for You.
Streams flow in the desert, as an oasis, and I wait for You.

Chorus: Whatever the storm, Whatever is lost,
Whatever it takes, Whatever the cost,
I will praise you, I will praise you.

Faith, Faith is the substance, of things we hope for, so I wait for You.
Hope, Hope and a future, are your plans for me, so I wait for You.

  • If you would like a chance to win this CD, visit my HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY TO ME AND PRESENTS FOR YOU! blog post and follow the rules for commenting and enter to win. You may earn 12 (or more!) chances towards winning this CD, so it is worth a trip over there, if you are interested in getting a FREE! copy of the CD mailed out to you.
  • If you would like to preview three wonderful songs from this album, including my two favorites, I Will Praise You and You Never Let Go, click HERE.
  • If you would like to see Rebecca on sharing her thoughts about the writing of Shine Your Glory Down, click HERE.
  • If you would like to check out Rebecca's website, click HERE.
  • If you would like to LIKE Rebecca on Facebook and get updates from her, click HERE.
  • You can purchase this album on Amazon for $10.97 HERE as well as see the titles and hear previews of every song on the album.

**By the way, in case you didn't know, the Veggie Tales movie, The Easter Carol, features Rebecca as the voice of Hope, the Music Box Angel. It is a charming film for kids with a timeless message, and if you haven't gotten your children something special for Easter yet (and they are young enough to appreciate singing vegetables), it is worth considering getting this one. We sure do like it (it's my favorite Veggie Tales movie).

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