
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week…crazy weather, a few headaches, several doctor's visits, a pretty day on Friday, fun with the grandparents, a good lunch with Bubba (Mexican food, my favorite), watching the kids play outside, and lots of time on the computer doing classwork.
In our homeschool this week…not much happened educationally speaking. 

Tex had oral surgery for removal of a benign cyst on Monday, and hasn't felt up to doing much of anything all week. Boo had an appointment with the same oral surgeon on Tuesday because he has a mucocele in his mouth which is not going to get better, plus he has had bronchitis (different doctor altogether). Wednesday I went with Bubba to the local base because he needed some shots, and Thursday we prepared for a storm, which thankfully, veered out to sea before reaching us. Friday, was a beautiful day. On Friday, I had Physical Therapy and enjoyed watching the kids play for a while before settling in to work on my classes and a review

Basically, the little ones did their computer work a few days, and some good writing and reading work with my mom at her house while I was out with Bubba. Poor Tex has gotten nothing done at all but a little reading (two books for his Reading Challenge) and listening to a few audios (for his Listening Challenge), and that will just have to do.

I made up forms for his Reading Challenge and Listening Challenge, and they are available on my homeschool-for-free website, if you are interested in doing something like this with your kids over the summer.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…Next week should be more calm. Whew. We have a follow up for Tex, as well as an optometry appointment for him. We decided to wait to get Boo's mucocele removed until he's a bit older, and I have PT twice. My friend, Mrs. L. has offered to babysit one day so I can go work on my classes at the library. She may begin homeschooling her daughter this week, and I can't wait to help! 
We also need to go to the library and pick up the kids' prizes from the bookmark contest. Tex, Cowboy, and Firefly all won a prize (Ladybug's was adorable, but she did win first place last year...). The prizes are gift certificates to a local bookstore. The kids can't wait to spend their winnings! Great job, guys and gals! You ALL worked hard and I am so proud of you.
My favorite thing this week was…Sitting on my swing on Friday after the storm had blown all the humidity away, watching the kids running around and playing happily, riding bikes, swinging on swings, chasing the dog, picking dandelions and buttercups, and most of all, laughing. It sure did make me smile and lighten up my day. 
Boo sure does love the Little Tikes police car toy a neighbor donated to us last year. The others push him around in it and he goes, "Woo woo!"  I think they are going to crash, they go so fast, but he doesn't mind. He's just a happy camper. Awesome.
What’s working/not working for us…Still, my grad classes (to renew my teaching licensure to make homeschooling easier in our state). Too much to do, too little time. With doctor's appointments, physical therapy, sick children, shopping, laundry, and schooling, I am not sure which way is up this week. Help.
Homeschooling thoughts I have…You can never underestimate the importance of reading aloud to your children. Look at my left sidebar to see a new button for a new Reading Out Loud linky hosted by Debra@Footprints in the Butter. All you do is post once a week about what you are reading aloud to your kids, let yourself be inspired by what others are reading, and perhaps be motivated to read more (or maybe you will motivate someone else)!
A quote to share…
You may have tangible wealth untold;
Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.
Richer than I you can never be--
I had a mother who read to me.

                           Strickland Gillilan




  1. What do you receive PT for? I had to have some for arthritis. It acts up every now and then. Do you get help if you need it? I hope it does not limit you too much.

  2. OP,

    I receive PT for my cervical dystonia, and in conjunction with that, chronic migraines. I'd say it helps about fifty percent of the time. That's better than no help! I am sure you know what I mean. Thank you for asking. I am sorry about your arthritis. What kind of therapy do they do for you? Most of mine is massage-related, though he uses heat and ultra-sound now and again. I am not limited at this point, except by the migraines. The dystonia contributes to that, but my movement is fine. That is a blessing. I pray you have a good week this week!




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