
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Simple Woman's Day Book


Outside My Window...there are cloudy, gray skies, but it is warm enough that the kids can't wait to get outside to play in the puddles.

I am thinking...that there is much to do today, but I feel I am making progress on my list, so I am happy.

I am thankful for...the excellent homeschool online curricula that we are using and how much easier it is making it for me to get through the day...especially days like today when I have a horrible headache.

From the learning rooms...the kids are going to do an elaborate art project and work on their bookmarks for the annual library contest. Pictures and details will be posted later!

From the kitchen...I am grateful I got my bi-weekly shopping done yesterday and saved $32 in coupons! Now it will be easy to plan my meals for the week as there is actually food with which to make the plans.

I am favorite fleecy shirt and a long denim skirt. It's the most comfortable outfit I own and with the headache I have today, I needed the extra comfort.

I am with the kids, a few blog posts I have due, and hopefully special moments that help shape the lives of my children. I am so blessed!

I am Physical Therapy later this afternoon. Maybe that will help my headache. Later I will drive by and pick up my brother's Wii for Tex, who has friends visiting, and hopes that they can glut on not-often-played video games after the sun is down. Thanks for letting him borrow the game, bro.

I am reading...Secure Daughters, Confident Sons by Glenn T. Stanton for Blogging for Books. It is excellent. I will enjoy writing the review because it is such a good read. I am listening to Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel in the car.

On my that it is my dad's birthday today...Happy birthday, Dad! I have the most awesome, caring, loving, helpful, handsome, and brilliant dad in the world. I am so blessed.

Around the house...there are a few loads of laundry to wash, a dishwasher to load, two extra children to feed (thanks Lady L. for letting the boys stay to help work on the downed fences!), two art projects to finish, kids playing happily with each other, and some classical music playing.

One of my favorite things...right now is Oreos. I don't have much of an appetite lately since my headaches have been so bad, but I can always muster up enthusiasm for Oreos. Double Stuffed, of course...with milk for dunking.

A few plans for the rest of the week...Bookmobile on Wednesday (Lady L. will be picking up her boys then), Artistic Pursuits review due Wednesday, bookmarks for the Library contest due Friday, hopefully dinner with my dad and mom for Dad's birthday on Friday or Saturday, working on fences over the weekend, and a visit to our favorite family-integrated church on Sunday.

The big fun items already happened earlier in the week: Hubby took the boys (including Lady L's boys) to Winterfest, a Christian concert, on Sunday, and to see Brock Gill, a Christian Illusionist on Monday. What a nice dad he is!

I hope your week is blessed with many special tiny moments and some awsome big ones, too!


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Heather~

    What a great post! I love how you've used more pictures than just the one your typically find at the end of the posts on this meme.




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