
Monday, March 14, 2011

Menu Plan Monday---March 14-20

This week I am going for easy, kid-friendly favorites as Hubby is on swing shift and won't be eating with us...I figure I might as well cook whatever the kids like, and save a bit of work, which will give me more time to work on my current project of organizing the bookshelves in the sitting room and our bedroom.

Monday--We will be visiting the grandparents for the day (I have a doctor's visit on that side of town) and we plan to stay for dinner. Mom is making one of my favorites: Pot Roast, potatoes, and carrots, served with rolls and I will help by making the gravy. Truth be told, though, my favorite part of pot roast is cold roast beef sandwiches the next day. My dad prefers using the leftovers to make hash. Bubba loads up on potatoes, while most of the other kids absolutely rave about the MEAT. What is your favorite part?

Tuesday--Chicken breast sandwiches with curly fries and fruit salad.

Wednesday--Pasta alfredo and salad.

Thursday--Macaroni and cheese and fish sticks. Applesauce on the side.

Friday--The chickens are on a roll with laying, so we will be having breakfast for dinner. Pancakes, eggs, and bacon. The kids love breakfast for dinner.

Saturday--Pizza night is on Saturday this week so we can include Hubby. I think we might try to make our own pizza. Definitely with extra cheese. We plan on watching a movie from Netflix and playing a game with the kids, too.

Sunday--We really have to use up some eggs, so I am thinking that a simple favorite, fried egg and cheese sandwiches and some soup will be enjoyed by all (and help free up space in my fridge!). If I have the inclination, I may try to make a pound cake, too, for fun. It would be nice to have a tea party with my little ones since Daddy and Tex will be heading to Winterfest (a Christian concert) in the evening.

I hope your week is a good one. Happy birthday to my friend, Deb on Wednesday!



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