
Monday, February 28, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

are serving this week!

This looks to be an interesting week weather-wise in our neck of the woods. From a sunny, high of eighty on Monday, to thuderstorms and a low of forty on Tuesday, then hopefully some sun with midline temperatures the rest of the week, I am thinking that the kids are going to be thinking "Spring!" and want to be outside a lot. That usually means they will be HUNGRY at dinner time, and so I am going to plan for super-filling suppers every night except for tonight. Tonight is the almost summer-like evening, so let's go for the hint of warmer weather fare by serving a long-missed summertime favorite.

Monday: Tuna Salad, Waldorf style (recipe below) and ranch-bacon pasta salad, served on a bed of lettuce with baby carrots on the side.
Tuesday: Pre-cooked chicken in the freezer means we can warm up tonight with Chicken Pot Pie and blackberry cobbler, with hardly any trouble at all!
Wednesday: Pre-made burgers on the grill sounds mighty nice, with a side of potato salad, curly fries, and a pickle.
Thursday: Breakfast for dinner. Turkey bacon, cheesy scrambled eggs (from our chickens), hash browns, and MAYBE pancakes (depending on how worn out I am!).
Friday: I just love pizza night! I'd better order up our next Netflix pronto so we can have pizza and a movie.
Saturday: Pot roast, potatoes & gravy, carrots, and biscuits. A bit more trouble to start, but easy to finish and wonderful to eat!
Sunday: I'll prep Tater Tot Casserole Saturday night so I can put it in early Sunday morning to take to church. It's the first Sunday of the month, and the family-integrated church we like to attend occasionally is having a fellowship meal after services.

I pray you have a delicious and fun-filled week. We plan to! ;-)




Our favorite Waldorf-style Tuna Salad

Two large cans of Albacore tuna packed in water, drained
two to three apples, peeled, cored, and diced
a cup of grapes diced
a cup of shredded cheddar
a cup of hard-boiled egg chopped
a half cup diced celery
a half cup chopped walnuts
Kraft mayo and Miracle Whip to taste...we prefer our tuna salad fairly moist. I use the Miracle Whip and Mayo in half and half proportions, so I get a little bit of seasoning, but it is not too strong. You can choose to use one or both, however your family prefers.

Combine all ingredients well. Serve on a bed of lettuce. I like pairing this up with pasta salad. Enjoy!

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