
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Giveaway---"Most" movie

My family is previewing the movie "Most" and we have been given a second copy to give away to someone. This is my first "giveaway" and I am excited! I hope I will get enough entries to need to use one of those random-online-winner-pickers, but if I only get a few, I plan to use the tried and true write-the-names-on-bits-of-paper-and-pick-one-out-of-a-hat method.

Here is what I know about the movie, which we have yet to view. I will let you know more about the movie once we watch it, though I don't know exactly when that will instead of waiting to see what I think, you should go ahead and enter now!

The movie's title, "Most," is the Czech word for "The Bridge." This movie is a Czech production and has subtitles in English (and other languages). It is the story of a father and son who attempt to prevent a railway accident.

Here is part of the write up from the back of the dvd: 

MOST is a visually enthralling, 21st Century parable about a loving father, his young son, and the fateful day when they attempt to head off an impending railway disaster. Hundreds of passengers abourd an oncoming steam train are completely unaware of the danger that looms as they head toward an open drawbridge. A desperate young woman witnesses and act of mercy beyond imagination, changing her life forever--and the lives of all who see this story. Both heart-wrenching and glorious, MOST vividly portrays the greatest offering of love, sacrifice, hope, and forgiveness known to man.

One reviewer states that the movie is like watching "John 3:16 in 33 minutes!" 

Christianity Today called the movie "life changing."

Here is a trailer for the movie:

**SPOILER ALERT! I will tell you that I am a stickler for happy ending movies, and I have read the write up online and know that this movie is NOT one. Therefore, I have asked Hubby to watch it for me and to be a guest reviewer for this one. Dramatic, real-life, moving movies do not bother him. With me they linger. I watch movies mostly to escape from stress and laugh.

SO, that said, I believe this is going to be one incredible story, and if not having a happily-ever-after ending is NOT a problem for you, then please enter this giveaway and get your family or your church a copy of this acclaimed movie (I plan to donate my copy to my church library).

Giveaway rules...there are five ways to enter!

  • The giveaway will run from today through February 27th. I will choose a winner on the day the movie is released, March 1st. I will notify the winner sometime during that week.
  • You must make sure that your email address is plainly displayed somewhere that is easy for me to find. I am not a super-savvy internet maven, so please make sure it is clear for me. I'd hate to draw your name, but be unable to contact you.
  1. You can enter by leaving a comment on this post. Please tell me the name of the Christian movie (or other movie, if you can't think of a Christian one) that has most impacted your life.
  2. You can enter again by following me and leaving an additional comment telling me you followed me (or by leaving an additional comment to tell me that you are already following me.)
  3. You may enter a third time by following me with Networked Blogs and leaving me an additional comment to tell me you did so (or by leaving an additional comment telling me that you are already a follower using Networked Blogs.)
  4. If you tell a friend about this giveaway and they mention you in their entry (they may mention you in once for an entry), I will give YOU an extra entry (but obviously, you have to already have made your own entry).
  5. Post about this giveaway on Facebook and leave an additional comment telling me you did this and I will give you another entry.
Tell your friends, please. Thanks!




  1. I'm following you and I'd love to be entered into the drawing! :-) I'm also going to post this give away on Facebook. Thanks for doing this!
    My email addy is

  2. I'm like you, non-happy endings stay with me for awhile, especially if they're real life based.
    The spot in Fireproof where they say something about giving up things that hurt your marriage spoke to me. Good luck on the giveaway!

  3. I'm so glad I could enter this giveaway. The movie that I had the most emotional reaction to was not a Christian movie. It was Gladiator - the one with Russell Crowe. I think it's because I was pregnant with the twins when I saw it, and his huge love for his wife and son were his motivation for everything. I was a weepy, hormonal mess.

  4. I follow your blog.

    Brindamorr AT aol DOT com

  5. I also follow with GFC and Newtworked blogs

  6. I am following you accidentallyhomeschooling at gmail dot com

  7. One Christian movie that I loved was "Time changer"

  8. Heather, "The Hiding Place" made a lasting impression on my life. I watched it as a young teen and now I get to use it in a TOS review with my own children.


  9. Happy to be a GFC follower!

    Hope you have a beautiful weekend...


  10. Now using NetworkedBlogs to follow you. Don't you just love watching those numbers go up! =)


  11. Wrote a short blog post -
    about your giveaway and posted it to Facebook and Twitter. Hope it helps!


  12. I loved both Fireproof and Time Changer. I have not seen the Gladiator, but I don't think it has a happy ending (does it?), so that might be why.

    One Christian movie I saw on Netflix Instant Download recently was Hidden Secrets with John Schneider in it (Bo Duke fame). It was a good movie about how having a judgemental and unforgiving attitude can turn people from Christ instead of towards him.

    Thanks for entering, Ladies. Your names are in my "hat!"

  13. Thank you, Penny. You are a dear!




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