
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Every Day is Sacred

I have a "coffee table book" someone gave me that I enjoy looking at from time to time. I came across it yesterday and flipped through it as I was sitting, waiting for the kids to finish brushing their teeth so I could read them their bedtime story and put them to bed. The page I flipped to happened to be so perfect, I wanted to share it with you. I hope you enjoy this and that it touches your heart as it touched mine.

The book is called Seasons of the Heart and it is by Paul C. Brownlow. It features the art of Charles Wysocki, so not only are the quotes, tidbits, and thoughts gathered in it special, the art is just plain fun, because it is so pleasingly folksy and quaint. Since I can't include the art here, I chose some pictures I took by our house back when it was warmer outside, to remind me that warmer days with more sunshine are on the way...Blessings to you.


Every Day is Sacred by Paul C. Brownlow

"Every morning God quietly and routinely pours another twenty-four hours of existence into our small cupped hands. We, so dazed and benumbed by its everlasting regularily, are careless--letting slip some of the precious moments He has given. Most often, we take the day for granted without realizing it was never promised, never put into a contract, never guaranteed.

"But must we continue ignoring our blessings because they be so abundant? We can choose to live life as a sacred gift, but to do so we mist live with intentionality and purpose. We must remember that peace of mind is from within and has nothing to do with surface surroundings. We must remember the philosopher's words that "living requres practice, like playing the violin," and that we will get better at living life as we go on. We mist remember that life is really found between the two great everlasting eternities of Yesterday and Tomorrow. While both are important, we must be slaves to neither. It is the Present Moment, the Divine Today that we serve, and that in turn serves us. We must daily seek out kindred spirits, those dear souls who share and relish our need to discover all the sweet richness each day brings.

"When every day is sacred, we will find contentment in the midst of turmoil, depth in the pools of shallowness, quietness among the clamor of the crowd. Life will then be truly a gift from God--a gift we receive with expectancy and treasure with gratitude."


1 comment:

  1. Heather,

    This was a beautiful devotional. Oh my! To live each day as sacred is certainly something I must consider more heavily.

    Great picuters too--they make me long for spring!
    Take care,


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